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Palabra Inglés del Día




inglés > español
     1. vt. Notar, percibir.
     2. vt. Probar, degustar.
     3. vt. Saborear.
     4. vt. Experimentar.
     5. vi. Tener el sabor de, o saber a.
     6. s. Gusto.
     7. s. Sabor.
     8. s. Prueba, degustación.
     9. s. Gusto por.
inglés > inglés
     1. s. One of the sensations produced by the tongue in response to certain chemicals.
     2. s. A person's implicit set of preferences, especially esthetic, though also culinary, sartorial, etc.
           Dr. Parker has good taste in wine.
     3. s. Personal preference; liking; predilection.
           I have developed a taste for fine wine.
     4. s. (figuratively) A small amount of experience with something that gives a sense of its quality as a whole.
     5. s. A kind of narrow and thin silk ribbon.
     6. v. To sample the flavor of something orally.
     7. v. (intransitive) To have a taste; to excite a particular sensation by which flavour is distinguished.
           The chicken tasted great, but the milk tasted like garlic.
     8. v. To experience.
           I tasted in her arms the delights of paradise.
           They had not yet tasted the sweetness of freedom.
     9. v. To take sparingly.
     10. v. To try by eating a little; to eat a small quantity of.
     11. v. (obsolete) To try by the touch; to handle.
español > inglés
     1. v. to taste; to savour, savor
     2. v. to relish




He was curious about how it would taste, so he took a small bite. 
    Él tenía curiosidad de que sabor tendría, así que le dio una pequeña mordida.
When I have a cold, I cannot taste anything. 
    Cuando estoy resfriado no puedo saborear nada.
From personal experience, I know that any encounter with him will leave a bad taste in your mouth. 
    A partir de mi experiencia personal, yo sé que cualquier encuentro con él te dejará un mal gusto en la boca.
Never do we taste perfect joy: our happiest successes are mingled with sadness. 
    Nunca realmente saboreamos la alegría perfecta: nuestros éxitos más felices se mezclan con la tristeza.
I think it'll taste better if you add a little salt and pepper. 
    Creo que sabrá mejor si le añades un poco de sal y pimienta.

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