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Palabra Inglés del Día




inglés > español
     1. adj. Grueso, gordo.
     2. adj. Denso.
     3. adj. Repleto.
     4. adj. Figurativamente, intenso.
     5. adj. Lerdo, tonto.
           Uso: coloquial.
     6. adj. Íntimo, estrecho.
     7. adv. Densamente.
     8. s. Centro, ojo, eje de un evento.
inglés > inglés
     1. adj. Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension.
     2. adj. Measuring a certain number of units in this dimension.
           I want some planks that are two inches thick.
     3. adj. Heavy in build; thickset.
           He had such a thick neck that he had to turn his body to look to the side.
     4. adj. Densely crowded or packed.
           We walked through thick undergrowth.
     5. adj. Having a viscous consistency.
           My mum’s gravy was thick but at least it moved about.
     6. adj. Abounding in number.
           The room was thick with reporters.
     7. adj. Impenetrable to sight.
           We drove through thick fog.
     8. adj. Difficult to understand, or poorly articulated.
           We had difficulty understanding him with his thick accent.
     9. adj. (informal) Stupid.
           He was as thick as two short planks.
     10. adj. (informal) Friendly or intimate.
           They were as thick as thieves.
     11. adj. Deep, intense, or profound.
           Thick darkness.
     12. adj. (dated) troublesome; unreasonable
     13. adj. (slang) Curvy and voluptuous, and especially having large hips.
     14. adj. topics, en, Size
     15. adv. In a thick manner.
           Snow lay thick on the ground.
     16. adv. Thickly.
           Bread should be sliced thick to make toast.
     17. adv. Frequently; in great numbers.
           The arrows flew thick and fast around us.
     18. s. The thickest, or most active or intense, part of something.
           It was mayhem in the thick of battle.
     19. s. A thicket.
     20. s. (slang) A stupid person; a fool.
     21. v. (archaic, transitive) To thicken.
           The nightmare Life-in-death was she, / Who thicks man's blood with cold. — Coleridge.
español > inglés
     1. adj. thick, fat
     2. adj. wide
     3. n-m. width, breadth, thickness
     4. n-m. majority


The forest was so thick that one could hardly walk through it. 
    El monte era tan espeso que casi no se podía andar por él.
I cannot finish reading this thick book in a week. 
    No puedo terminar de leer ese libro gordo en una semana.
The snow was so thick we couldn't see in front of us. 
    La nieve era tan densa que no podíamos ver nada frente a nosotros.
I'll stand by you through thick and thin. 
    Estaré a tu lado en lo bueno y lo malo.
That book is thick, but it's not very expensive. 
    Ese libro es grueso, pero no muy caro.

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