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Palabra Inglés del Día




inglés > español
     1. adj. Delgado, flaco
inglés > inglés
     1. adj. Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite.
           thin plate of metal;  thin paper;  thin board;  thin covering
     2. adj. Very narrow in all diameters; having a cross section that is small in all directions.
           thin wire;  thin string
     3. adj. Having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt.
           thin person
     4. adj. Of low viscosity or low specific gravity, e.g., as is water compared to honey.
     5. adj. Scarce; not close, crowded, or numerous; not filling the space.
           The trees of a forest are thin; the corn or grass is thin.
     6. adj. (golf) Describing a poorly played golf shot where the ball is struck by the bottom part of the club head. See fat, shank, toe.
     7. adj. Lacking body or volume; small; feeble; not full.
     8. adj. Slight; small; slender; flimsy; superficial; inadequate; not sufficient for a covering.
           a thin disguise
     9. s. (philately) A loss or tearing of paper from the back of a stamp, although not sufficient to create a complete hole.
     10. s. Any food produced or served in thin slices.
           chocolate mint thins
           potato thins
     11. v. To make thin or thinner.
     12. v. (intransitive) To become thin or thinner.
     13. v. To dilute.
     14. v. To remove some plants or parts of plants in order to improve the growth of what remains.
     15. adv. Not thickly or closely; in a scattered state.
           seed sown thin
español > inglés
     1. adj. fine (particularly slender)
     2. adj. fine (consisting of especially minute particulate)




A good friend will stand by you through thick and thin. 
    Un buen amigo estará a tu lado en los buenos momentos y en los malos.
My uncle is thin, but my aunt is fat. 
    Mi tío está delgado, pero mi tía está gorda.
He was a tall, thin man. 
    Él era un hombre alto y delgado.
You promised that you'd stand by me through thick and thin. 
    Me prometiste que estarías conmigo en lo bueno y en lo malo.
The thin line between sanity and madness has gotten finer. 
    La fina línea entre la cordura y la locura se ha hecho más estrecha.

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