2 | ovo |
3 | correr (to run:to move quickly on two feet); corrida (run:the act of running) |
4 | voar (to fly:to travel through air); díptero (fly:insect of the order diptera) |
5 | fechado (closed:not open) |
6 | pinça |
8 | na verdade (actually:in act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) |
9 | cuidado (care:close attention; concern or responsibility) |
12 | abridor (opener:device that opens something) |
14 | impelir (to urge:to press; push; drive); comichão (urge:a strong desire; an itch to do something) |
18 | morcego (bat:small flying mammal) |
19 | doente (ill:in poor health; suffering from a disease) |
20 | gás (gas:(uncountable; chemistry) state of matter) |