1 | estrada (road:a way for travel) |
3 | carinho de bebé |
7 | enfermeiro |
8 | zôo (zoo:park where live animals are exhibited) |
9 | falha (failure:state or condition opposite of success) |
13 | chávena |
14 | tópico (topic:subject; theme) |
16 | veado |
17 | claro (fair:light in color or pale) |
| Vertical
1 | degrau (rung:ladder step) |
2 | ar (air:mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the earth) |
4 | máquina de barbear |
5 | humor (mood:mental state) |
6 | realidade (reality:state of being actual or real) |
10 | maçã |
11 | ácido (acid:a sour substance) |
12 | cicatriz (scar:a permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound) |
15 | ervilha |
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