Portuguese > English |
enjoar |
1. v. to get or cause someone to get disgusted or nauseated |
Ele enjoa quando vê esse tipo de gororoba. - He gets nauseated when he sees that kind of slop. |
Esse cheiro me enjoa. - That smell nauseates me. |
2. v. to stop finding something or someone interesting, amusing, entertaining or in any other way pleasant, to stop liking |
A criança enjoou do brinquedo. - The child is not amused by the toy anymore. |
Enjoei deste filme. - I do not find this film interesting anymore. |
3. v. to suffer from or get seasickness |
Portuguese > Portuguese |
enjoar |
1. Verbo. (Transitivo) causar enjoo a |
2. Verbo. (Intransitivo) ficar maldisposto |