Portuguese Word of the Day
The gender of couve is feminine. E.g. a couve.Plural
The plural of couve is couves.Definitions
Portuguese > English |
couve |
1. n-f. several leaf vegetables, from the family Brassica oleracea |
2. n-f. kale (plant) |
3. n-f. cabbage (plant) |
4. n-f. collard greens (plant) |
5. n-f. couves (small truck on horse or rope hauled railway) |
Portuguese > Portuguese |
couve |
1. Substantivo. (Botânica) planta hortense da família das crucíferas cujo nome científico é Brassica oleracea |
English > Portuguese |
cabbage |
1. repolho |
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família | baqueta | pedra | costas |
banho | bolacha | lagarta | analgésico |
quarto | torno | oitenta e seis | dezanove |
forno | prateado | Maio | couve |
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