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The Portuguese word for back is



The gender of costas is feminine (plural). E.g. as costas.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Adjetivo. perto do fim
     2. Adjetivo. não atual
     3. Advérbio. perto do fim
     4. Advérbio. não atual
     5. Substantivo. costas
     6. Verbo. apoiar

Translations for back and their definitions

     1. adj. deep (having its bottom far down)
     2. n-m. bottom
     3. n-m. background (a part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject)
     4. n-m. fund
     5. n-m. (finance, insurance) capital (money and wealth)
     6. n-m. (sports) long-distance
     7. v. verb form of fundar
           fundo uma instituição - I am founding an institution
     8. v. verb form of fundir
           fundo ouro - I am smelting gold

     1. n-m. back (the reverse side)
     2. n-m. spine (bound edge of a book)

de volta
     1. adv. back (to or in a previous condition or place)
     2. adv. again

     1. v. to second (to agree as a second person)
     2. v. to support
     3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to lean on (to rest or rely upon for support)

     1. n. back (the rear of body)
     2. n. (swimming) backstroke
     3. n. plural of costa

     1. adj. reversed; turned around
     2. adj. opposite; contrary
     3. n-m. back (the reverse side)
     4. n-m. opposite (the contrary of something)

     1. n-m. back (the rear of body)
     2. n-m. loin (meat)
           (coi, lombo de porco, porc loin)
           (coi, lombo de vaca, beef loin)

     1. n-f. back, rear
     2. n-f. rump
     3. n-f. (in the plural) back door
     4. adj. feminine singular of traseiro

     1. adj. far, especially after being moved away
           As caixas estão afastadas umas das outras. - The boxes are far from each other.
     2. adj. far from downtown or from urban areas
           Moramos num lugar afastado. - We live in a remote place.
           Você está afastado enquanto investigamos as alegações de corrupção. - You are suspended while we investigate the corruption allegations.
     3. Participle. past participle of afastar

     1. n-f. a long bump
     2. n-f. the back of a book or of cattle
     3. n-f. (Brazil) speed bump

     1. n-m. support, prop
     2. n-m. push
     3. v. verb form of encostar

para trás
     1. adv. backwards (towards the back)

     1. n-m. (Brazil, football) back (player in a position behind most players on the team)

     1. adj. (relational) ancient (related to ancient times)
           Grécia Antiga - Ancient Greece
     2. adj. old (less often of people)
           um filme antigo - an old movie

     1. adj. rear
     2. adj. hind
     3. n-m. backside, behind, bum

     1. n-m. (Brazil, soccer) back (a position behind most players on the team)
     2. n-m. (Brazil, informal) joint (marijuana cigarette)

     1. adj. posterior (following in order or in time)
     2. adj. posterior (located in the rear)
     3. adj. (phonetics) back (produced in the back of the mouth)

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