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The Portuguese word for bed is



The gender of cama is feminine. E.g. a cama.


The plural of cama is camas.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. cama

Translations for bed and their definitions

     1. n-f. bed (furniture for sleeping on)

     1. n-m. (chiefly Brazil) hospital bed
     2. n-m. (poetic, or archaic) any bed
     3. n-m. riverbed
           O rio subiu e saiu do leito. - The river flooded over the riverbed.

     1. n-f. basis
     2. n-f. base
     3. n-f. (chemistry) base
     4. n-f. groundwork

     1. v. to lie down (to rest in a horizontal position)
     2. v. (by extension, intransitive) to go to sleep
     3. v. to lay (to place in a horizontal position)
     4. v. (indtr, a, em, sobre, ditr=1) to throw (to cause to fall off onto)
           deitar fora - to throw away
     5. v. to emit; to give off; to give out
     6. v. to drop (to lower oneself quickly to the ground)
     7. v. to lie down (to assume a reclining position)

     1. v. to sleep; to be asleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)
           O gato está dormindo. - The cat is sleeping.
     2. v. to fall asleep (to become asleep)
           Demorou horas até que eu dormisse. - Hours passed before I fell asleep.
     3. v. to have a given type of sleep
           Dormir uma soneca. - To have a nap.
     4. v. (figurative, intransitive) to sleep (to be temporarily inactive)
           A célula dos terroristas está dormindo. - The terrorist cell is asleep.
     5. v. (indtr, com, .euphemistic) to sleep with (to have sex with)
           Peguei-a dormindo com um rapaz. - I caught her sleeping with a boy.
     6. v. (indtr, com, .figurative) to be constantly with
           A memória da guerra dorme com o veterano. - The memory of the war sleeps with the veteran.
     7. v. (poetic, intransitive) to be dead
           Todos meus heróis dormem. - All my heroes are dead.
     8. v. (informal, of a limb, intransitive) to fall asleep (to temporarily lose blood circulation)
           Acordei no meio da noite e meu braço tinha dormido. - I woke up in the middle of the night and my arm had fallen asleep.
     9. v. (Brazil, slang) not to notice a problem
           O controlador dormiu e os aviões bateram. - The controller didn’t pay attention and the aeroplanes collided.

     1. n-m. bank (financial institution)
     2. n-m. bank (safe place for storage and retrieval of items)
     3. n-m. bench (long seat)
     4. n-m. (sports) bench (place where players of a sport sit when not playing)
     5. n-m. (hydrology) bank (a shallow area in a body of water)
     6. n-m. clipping of banco de dados
     7. v. verb form of bancar

     1. n-m. stonemason
     2. n-m. median, central reservation
     3. n-m. gantry
     4. n-m. bed, small garden plot

     1. n-f. surface (up-side of a flat object or of a liquid)
     2. n-f. (geometry) surface (outside hull of a tangible object)
     3. n-f. (figurative) tip of the iceberg (only the beginning of a larger situation)

     1. n-m. foundation
     2. n-m. base, basis
     3. v. verb form of alicerçar

     1. n-m. bed (deposit of ore, coal etc.)
     2. n-m. (geology) stratum (layer of sedimentary rock)

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