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The Portuguese word for dress is



The gender of vestido is masculine. E.g. o vestido.


The plural of vestido is vestidos.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. vestido, vestuário, roupa, hábito, vestimenta
     2. Substantivo. adorno, enfeite(s)
     3. Verbo. vestir(-se)
     4. Verbo. adornar, enfeitar
     5. Verbo. ajustar, dispor
     6. Verbo. fazer curativo
     7. Verbo. temperar
     8. Verbo. pentear, escovar

Translations for dress and their definitions

     1. v. to wear; to don (to have an item of clothing on oneself)
           A testemunha disse que o ladrão vestia um boné e uma camisa comprida. - The witness said the thief wore a cap and a long shirt.
     2. v. to put on (to put an item of clothing on oneself)
           Vesti uma camiseta antes de sair. - I put a T-shirt on before going out.
     3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to get dressed (to put clothes on oneself)
           Vista-se logo senão nos atrasaremos. - Get dressed fast otherwise we’ll be late.
     4. v. to dress; to clothe (to put clothes on someone)
           Ela vestiu o filho para que ele não passasse frio. - She dressed her son so he wouldn’t be cold.
     5. v. (indtr, ditr=1) to dress someone with a given type of fabric or material
           A empresária precisa estar vestida de seda. - The businesswoman needs to be dressed in silk.

     1. adj. dressed; clothed
     2. n-m. dress (woman’s garment which covers the upper part of the body as well as below the waist)
     3. n-m. garment (single item of clothing)
     4. Participle. past participle of vestir

     1. n-f. any item of clothing
     2. n-f. vestment (robe worn by members of the clergy)

     1. n-m. attire, dress, garb
     2. n-m. suit
     3. v. verb form of trajar

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