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The Portuguese word for to drink is

to drink

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. bebida
     2. Substantivo. bebida alcoólica
     3. Substantivo. coquetel, drinque
     4. Verbo. beber

Translations for drink and their definitions

     1. v. to drink (something)
           Ele está bebendo água. - He is drinking water.
     2. v. to consume alcoholic beverages
           João bebeu muito na festa. - John drank a lot at the party.
     3. v. to drink something
           Quero beber! - I want to drink!

     1. adj. feminine singular of bebido
     2. n-f. drink
     3. Participle. feminine singular of bebido

tomar ©
     1. v. to take (to get something into one’s possession or control)
           Fui ao banco tomar meu dinheiro. - I went to the bank to get my money.
     2. v.          to take; to conquer (to seize control of a location)
                   Os cruzados tomaram Jerusalém. - The crusaders took Jerusalem.
     3. v.          to steal (to take something illegally)
                   O ladrão tomou todo o meu dinheiro. - The thief has taken all my money.
     4. v. to take; to receive (to be the victim of an interaction)
           Tomei um soco na cara. - I took a punch to the face.
     5. v. to put into practice
           tomar uma decisão - to make a decision
           tomar medidas - to take measures
     6. v. (indtr, por, ditr=1) to take for; to consider; to regard (to have a certain opinion about someone or something)
           Eu tomei a Maria por corrupta. - I took Mary for a corrupt woman.
     7. v. to take into the body
     8. v.          to drink (to ingest a liquid)
                   Eu tomei suco. - I drank juice.
     9. v.          to drink (to consume alcoholic beverages, especially habitually)
                   Ele toma muito, durante os finais de semana. - He drinks a lot on weekends.
     10. v.          to take (to use a medicine)
                   Esqueci-me de tomar os antidepressivos. - I forgot to take the antidepressants.
     11. v. to take; to experience, undergo
           tomar um banho - to take a shower

     1. n. (Brazil) drink (a fancy alcoholic beverage)

     1. n-m. cocktail (alcoholic beverage)

     1. n-m. (organic chemistry) alcohol (any of a class of organic compounds containing a hydroxyl functional group)
           Etanol e metanol são álcoois. - Ethanol and methanol are alcohols.
     2. n-m. (by extension) alcohol (beverages containing alcohol)
           O álcool destruiu-lhe a vida. - Alcohol has destroyed his life.

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