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The Portuguese word for to drive is

to drive

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. viagem
     2. Substantivo. estrada pública
     3. Substantivo. campanha
     4. Substantivo. tração
     5. Substantivo. impulso
     6. Substantivo. (Informática) unidade (de entrada e saída em computadores)
     7. Verbo. dirigir

Translations for drive and their definitions

     1. v. to drive (a vehicle)
           Ele dirigiu o carro de seu pai. - He drove his father's car.
     2. v. to drive any vehicle
           O Pedro dirige muito bem. - Peter drives very well.
     3. v. to command, to rule, to control (something)
           O presidente dirigiu aquele país por muito tempo. - The president ruled that country for a long time.
     4. v. to direct a film
     5. v. to head (move in a specified direction)

     1. n-f. motivation (willingness of action)
     2. n-f. motivation (something which motivates)

     1. v. to wage (to conduct or carry out)
     2. v. to conduct
     3. v. to drive a vehicle

     1. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to touch, to finger, to feel (tactually)
           Toquei levemente (em) seu braço - I slighty touched his arm
     2. v. (figurative) to start addressing (a particular subject or issue)
           Já que você tocou nessa questão, vamos continuar - Since you began talking about that issue, let's continue
     3. v. to play (a musical instrument)
           Ela toca piano muito bem - She plays the piano very well
     4. v. to sound, jingle, to honk, to ring (a bell, alarm, horn or similar object)
           Toque a campainha! - Ring the bell!
           Não deveríamos ter tocado o alarme. - We shouldn't have sounded the alarm.
     5. v. (Brazil, informal) to kick out, to expulse
           Alguém precisa tocá-lo daqui - Someone has to kick him out from here
     6. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something
           Só me toquei depois. - I only realized it later.

     1. n-f. entrance
     2. n-f. appetizer
     3. n-f. ticket (for a concert or a show)
     4. n-f. entry
     5. Participle. feminine singular of entrado

     1. n-m. desire
     2. v. verb form of desejar

     1. v. to terrify, to frighten
     2. v. to chase off, to shoo
     3. v. (figuratively) to surprise, to astonish

     1. v. to take (to move something to a destination)
           Quem leva a mala? - Who carries the suitcase?
           Levei a comida à minha irmã. - I took the food to my sister.
     2. v.          to take away (to remove someone or something from the current location)
                   Levem esse idiota! - Take this idiot away!
     3. v.          to take out (to get food from an eatery to be eaten elsewhere)
                   É para levar? - Is it to go?
     4. v.          to accompany; to take (to go with somebody somewhere)
                   Eu te levarei lá. - I’ll take you there.
     5. v.          (figurative, transitive) to take to; to bring to (to provide with or introduce to)
                   Os romanos levariam a civilização para a Europa. - Romans then took civilisation to Europe.
     6. v. to take (to remove something from its rightful place or owner)
           O governo levará suas terras se não pagarem os impostos. - The government will take your lands if you don’t pay the taxes.
     7. v.          to sweep away; to blow away (to destructively move something away)
                   Tornados levaram o telhado da nossa casa. - Tornadoes have swept the roof of our house away.
     8. v.          to steal; to take (to illegally take an object from its owner)
                   Quando entraram na casa viram que alguém tinha levado a televisão. - When they entered the house they saw that someone had taken the television.
     9. v.          (euphemistic, transitive) to take; to kill (to cause someone to die)
                   A infecção levou meu pai. - The infection took my father.
     10. v. to take (to be the object of an interaction, especially a violent one)
           Ele levara uma flechada no joelho. - He had taken an arrow to the knee.
           Vamos levar com a culpa deste ataque. - We will take the blame for this attack.
     11. v.          (informal, intransitive) to get it (to be punished or beaten up)
                   Fique quieto senão vai levar. - Be quiet or you will get it.
     12. v. to take (to require a given amount of time)
           Quanto tempo leva? - How long does it take?
     13. v. to contain; to take (to have as an ingredient)
           Este pastel leva mel. - This pastry takes honey.
     14. v. to take (to have capacity for)
           Algum desses baldes leva sete litros? - Can any of those buckets take seven litres?
     15. v. to carry (to have in one’s immediate possession)
           Os refugiados levavam apenas as roupas que vestiam. - The refugees were carrying only the clothes they wore.
     16. v. (indtr, a, .of a path) to lead to (to have as its destination)
           Todas estradas levam a Roma. - Every road leads to Rome.
     17. v. (indtr, a, ditr=1) to lead to (to produce or tend to produce a given result)
           A fome os havia levado ao desespero. - Hunger had led them to despair.
     18. v. (indtr, por, .takes a reflexive pronoun) to let oneself be overwhelmed by an emotion or force
           Levou-se pelo ódio e acabou matando várias pessoas. - She was taken over by hatred and ended up killing many people.

     1. v. to impel

     1. n-m. (computer hardware) drive (a mass-storage device)

     1. v. to operate, function

     1. v. (music) to pluck
     2. v. (formal) to touch, concern (relate to)
     3. v. to shoo

     1. n-f. will; the condition of feeling like or wanting something
           Casei-me com ele contra a minha vontade. - I married him against my will.
           Estou com vontade de chorar. - I feel like crying.
     2. n-f. desire, wish
     3. n-f. intention; purpose

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