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The Portuguese word for duck is



The gender of pato is masculine. E.g. o pato.


The plural of pato is patos.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. pato
     2. Substantivo. bengala
     3. Substantivo. reverência
     4. Substantivo. mergulho
     5. Verbo. mergulhar rapidamente
     6. Verbo. inclinar (a cabeça)

Translations for duck and their definitions

     1. n-m. duck
     2. n-m. (specifically) drake (male duck)
     3. n-m. (Brazil, figuratively) a naïve person

     1. n-f. paw, foot, leg (of an animal)
     2. n-f. (colloquial) human leg, foot, footprint (often used by an angry person)
     3. n-f. female equivalent of pato; a female duck

     1. v. to crouch; to squat
     2. v. to bend down; to duck
     3. v. (figurative, intransitive, takes a reflexive pronoun) to surrender
     4. v. to hide

     1. v. to submerge (to go down in water)
           O submarino mergulhou vinte metros. - The submarine submerged twenty meters.
     2. v. (indtr, em, intr=1) to dive (to jump into water)
           Se você mergulhar no lago sem ver a profundidade, pode bater a cabeça. - If you dive into the lake without checking the depth, you could hit your head.
     3. v. (figurative, intransitive) to dive (to descend or decrease sharply or steeply)
           A colheita foi tão boa que o preço do trigo mergulhou. - The harvest was so good that the price of wheat dived.
     4. v. (indtr, em, ditr=1) to dip (to lower something into a liquid)
           Mergulhe as batatas no óleo para fritá-las. - Dip the potatoes into the oil in order to fry them.
     5. v. (indtr, em, .figurative) to immerse oneself in (to involve oneself deeply in)
           Mergulhei na música e nunca mais voltei. - I immersed myself in music and I never came back.
     6. v. to dive (to work as a diver)
           Ganho pouco dinheiro mergulhando, mas adoro meu trabalho. - I earn little money diving, but I love my job.

     1. to duck
     2. to squat

     1. v. to lower; to cause to move downwards
     2. v. to lower; to cause to become shorter
     3. v. to lower; to reduce (the degree, intensity, strength, etc.)
     4. v. to lower; to humble

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