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The Portuguese word for to eat is

to eat

Portuguese Definition

     1. Verbo. comer

Translations for eat and their definitions

     1. v. to eat
     2. v.          to consume meals
                   Já comi hoje, obrigado. - I've already eaten today, thanks.
     3. v.          to consume a specific food
                   Você come carne? - Do you eat meat?
                   Estou com vontade de comer um pedaço de torta. - I feel like eating a slice of pie.
     4. v.          (Brazil) indtr, de to eat some of a food
                   Você comeu da carne? - Did you eat some of the meat?
     5. v. to capture (eliminate a piece from the game)
           Agora comi a torre e o bispo. - Now I have captured the rook and the bishop.
     6. v. to corrode; to eat away, to destroy (to slowly destroy)
           A chuva comeu a grade. - The rain ate away the grate.
           Aquela pneumonia comeu sua saúde. - That pneumonia has destroyed his health.
     7. v. to use up; to eat up; to consume
           Já comi todo o meu salário. - I have already eaten up my entire salary.
           Este carro não come muita gasolina. - This car doesn't use much petrol.
     8. v. to fuck; to screw (to penetrate sexually)
           Depois do jantar, na mesma noite eu a comi. - After dinner, that same night I fucked her.
     9. v. to have any sexual or otherwise libidinous relationship with someone
     10. n-m. (colloquial sometimes proscribed) food; meal
           O comer está na mesa! - Food is on the table!

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