The Portuguese word for hand is

The gender of mão is feminine. E.g. a mão.Plural
The plural of mão is mãos.Portuguese Definition
hand | |
1. Substantivo. (Anatomia) mão | |
2. Substantivo. (Zoologia) pata dianteira | |
3. Substantivo. ponteiro (em relógio) | |
4. Verbo. entregar, passar, dar |
Translations for hand and their definitions
mão | |
1. n-f. hand | |
2. n-f. forefoot (either of the front feet of a quadruped) | |
3. n-f. (card games) hand (a round of a card game) | |
4. n-f. coat (a covering of material, such as paint) | |
5. n-f. (sports) leg (a single game or match played in a tournament or other sporting contest) | |
6. n-f. (soccer) handball (football offence) | |
7. n-f. (figurative) hand (an instance of helping) |
ponteiro | |
1. n-m. pointer | |
2. n-m. anything that points or is used for pointing | |
3. n-m. needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device | |
4. n-m. (programming) variable that holds the address of a memory location | |
5. n-m. (computing) mouse cursor | |
6. n-m. masonry chisel with a pointy tip | |
7. n-m. (Brazil, sports) winger (offensive player who plays on either side of the center) | |
8. n-m. (musical instruments) plectrum (object to pluck strings of a musical instrument) | |
9. n-m. (musical instruments) chanter (pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played) | |
10. n-m. (figuratively) one who gives bad advice | |
11. n-m. (Brazil) peon who goes in front of livestock | |
12. n-m. (Brazil) gambler |
direção | |
1. n-f. direction, way | |
2. n-f. driving (action of operating a motor vehicle) | |
aula de direção - driving lesson | |
3. n-f. (automotive) steering (something used to steer) | |
direção hidráulica - hydraulic steering | |
4. n-f. (Brazil, automotive, by extension) steering wheel | |
5. n-f. guidance, lead | |
6. n-f. (cinema) direction, directing | |
7. n-f. administration, board (a managing body) | |
8. n-f. office or role in charge: | |
9. n-f. (business) directorship | |
10. n-f. (politics) leadership | |
11. n-f. (schools) principalship | |
12. n-f. (publishing) editorship |
ajudar | |
1. v. to help, aid; to assist | |
Ajude-me! - Help me! | |
Posso ajudá-lo de alguma forma? - Can I help you in any way? |
mão-de-obra | |
1. n-f. labour, workforce (workers employed by an organisation, especially for manual labour) |
cacho | |
1. n-m. (collective) bunch (of fruits) | |
cacho de bananas - bunch of bananas | |
cacho de uvas - bunch of grapes | |
2. n-m. lock (length of hair) | |
3. n-m. (botany) raceme (an inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged along a single central axis) |
letra | |
1. n-f. letter (letter of the alphabet) | |
2. n-f. calligraphy (style of handwriting of a person), handwriting | |
3. n-f. (informal) font | |
4. n-f. (music) lyrics (words of a song) | |
5. n-f. (soccer) a kind of kick, in which the player kicks with the leg opposite to the ball |
dar | |
1. v. (ditransitive) to give | |
2. v. (with a, para, or an indirect objective pronoun) | |
3. v. # to transfer one’s possession of something to someone without anything in return | |
# Dar-te-ei um livro. - I will give you a book. | |
4. v. #: (ant-lite, receber) | |
5. v. # to hand over (to pass something into someone’s hand) | |
# Dá-me tua mão. - Give me your hand. | |
6. v. # to make a present or gift of | |
# Dei flores à minha mulher. - I gave my wife flowers. | |
7. v. #: (ant-lite, ganhar, receber) | |
8. v. # to provide a service | |
# A Igreja dá conforto aos pobres. - The Church gives the poor comfort. | |
# Ele dá aulas de latim. - He gives Latin classes. | |
9. v. # to administer (to cause to take (medicine)) | |
# Demos-lhe insulina. / Demos insulina a ele. - We gave him insulin. | |
10. v. # to give; to issue; to emit | |
# O João vai-nos dar recomendações. /O João dar-nos-á recomendações. - John will give us recommendations. | |
# Ele gosta de dar ordens. - He likes issuing orders. | |
11. v. (with the indirect object taking em or an indirect objective pronoun) | |
12. v. # to carry out a physical interaction with something | |
# Ela me deu um beijo./Ela deu-me um beijo. - She gave me a kiss. | |
13. v. # to cause a sensation or feeling | |
# A cerca me deu um choque elétrico./A cerca deu-me um choque elétrico. - The fence gave me an electric shock. | |
# Essa música me dá medo./Essa música dá-me medo. - That song gives me fear. | |
14. v. # to cause (to produce as a result) | |
# Comer rápido dá azia em você. / Comer rápido dá-te azia. - Eating quickly gives you a heartburn. | |
15. v. to yield; to produce; to generate | |
Esse poço dava água. - That well used to produce water. | |
As macieiras dão maçãs. - Apple trees produce apples. | |
16. v. (impersonal, transitive, followed by para when transitive) to be possible, can | |
Não dá para ele fazer isso. - He can't do that. | |
– Dá para o alcançarmos?– Dá. - – Can we reach him?– Yes, we can. | |
17. v. to throw (to organise an event) | |
Darei uma festa amanhã. - I’ll throw a party tomorrow. | |
18. v. ( with que; with em) to report (publish or broadcast news) | |
O jornal deu que se cancelaram os eventos. / Deu no jornal que se cancelaram os eventos. - The newspaper reported that the events had been cancelled. | |
19. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to result in | |
Não te preocupes, não dará em nada. - Don’t worry, it won’t lead to anything. | |
20. v. (indtr, para, aux=personal infinitive, .transitive, .or) to suffice, to be enough | |
Com dez euros já dá para almoçar hoje. - Ten euros are enough to have lunch today. | |
21. v. to make (to tend or be able to become) | |
Ela daria uma boa professora. - She would make a good teacher. | |
22. v. (indtr, por, como, ditr=1) to consider (assign some quality to) | |
Depois de semanas procurando, deram-nos como desaparecidos. - After weeks of searching, they considered us to be missing. | |
23. v. (indtr, .colloquial) to defeat by a given score | |
A minha equipa vai dar dois a zero à tua. - My team will beat yours 2-nil. | |
Meu time vai dar de dois a zero no seu. - My team will beat yours 2-nil. | |
24. v. (indtr, com) to come across, to bump into (to find something accidentally or in an unexpected condition) | |
Dei de cara com a Sandra hoje de manhã. - I bumped into Sandra this morning. | |
25. v. (indtr, para, ditr=1, intr=1, .Brazil, .vulgar, .slang) to put out, to allow to be sexually penetrated | |
Dei pra ele. - I put out for him. |
entregar | |
1. v. to deliver (to transport something to a destination) | |
O carteiro entregou-me uma carta de minha mãe. - The mailman delivered a letter from my mother to me. | |
2. v. to deliver; to hand over; to surrender (to relinquish control or possession of) | |
O general teve que entregar a cidade após meses de cerco. - The general had to hand the city over after months of siege. | |
3. v. (informal, transitive) to reveal (to show non-obvious information) | |
A vermelhidão do rosto entregava seu constrangimento. - The redness on her face revealed her embarrassment. | |
4. v. (slang) to snitch; to grass; to inform on; to betray to (to report a criminal to the authorities) | |
Judas entregou Jesus aos romanos. - Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans. | |
5. v. (indtr, a, .takes a reflexive pronoun, intr=1) to surrender (to) (to give oneself up to the authorities) | |
Um psicopata veio à delegacia para se entregar. - A psychopath came to the police station to surrender. | |
6. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to reveal negative information about oneself, especially accidentally | |
O suspeito negava as acusações, mas os interrogadores fizeram-no se entregar. - The suspect denied the accusations, but the interrogators made him incriminate himself. | |
7. v. to surrender; to submit (to give oneself up into the power of another) | |
8. v. to give away (to unintentionally reveal a secret) |
auxiliar | |
1. adj. auxiliary | |
2. v. to aid |
punhado | |
1. n-m. handful, fistful |
mão-cheia | |
1. n-f. Alternative form of mancheia |
passar | |
1. v. (indtr, por, -another positional preposition, intr=1) to pass; to pass by (to move past) | |
Já passaram treze carros. - Thirteen cars have passed by. | |
Não vi ninguém passar pela casa. - I didn’t see anyone passing by the house. | |
2. v. to overtake (to move ahead of) | |
O piloto tentou passar o outro carro. - The pilot tried to overtake the other car. | |
3. v. (indtr, direct=1) to cross (to move beyond) | |
Se passarmos da fronteira, podemos ser presos. - If we pass the border, we could be arrested. | |
4. v. (indtr, de) to cross; to pass; to go over (to become greater in value than) | |
O preço da maçã passou de trinta centavos durante a seca. - The price an apple went over thirty cents during the drought. | |
Você já passou dos limites! - You have crossed the line! | |
5. v. (indtr, por, intr=1) to go through (to move from one end through to the other side) | |
A flecha passou pelo seu coração. - The arrow went through his heart. | |
6. v. (indtr, em, por) to pass (to go unheeded or neglected) | |
Sementes não passam no portão do aeroporto. - Seeds don’t pass the airport gate. | |
7. v. (indtr, em, -a locational pronoun) to stop by (to pay a brief visit) | |
Passarei na casa da mãe antes de ir embora. - I’ll stop by mother’s before I leave. | |
8. v. (indtr, para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, ditr=1, .transitive, .or) to pass (to move something over to) | |
Alguém me passa o leite? - Can someone pass me the milk? | |
9. v. (indtr, para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, ditr=1, .sports) to pass | |
O técnico quer que eu passe para os atacantes. - The coach wants me to pass to the strikers. | |
10. v. to pass (to be over) | |
Demorou anos para a dor nas minhas costas passar. - It took years for the pain in my back to go away. | |
A época do plantio passou. - The time for planting has passed. | |
11. v. (of time, intransitive, sometimes takes a reflexive pronoun) to pass; to elapse | |
Passaram(-se) vinte minutos. - Twenty minutes had passed. | |
12. v. (indtr, a, aux=impersonal infinitive) to begin to; to start to; usually referring to something habitual | |
Depois do acidente, passei a aproveitar a vida. - After the accident, I started to enjoy life. | |
13. v. to spend (to stay somewhere during a given time) | |
Passara uma semana no hospital. - She had spent one week in the hospital. | |
14. v. (auxiliary) to spend (to do something during a given time) | |
Prefiro passar o dia vendo televisão. - I prefer spending the day watching television. | |
15. v. to take place; to happen; to occur | |
Parece que se passou algo sério nessa estrada. - It looks like something serious took place in this street. | |
16. v. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective) | |
O pagamento no cartão não passou. - The payment with the card didn’t pass. | |
17. v. (indtr, intr=1) to pass (to successfully complete an academic term) | |
Estudei e mesmo assim não passei. - I studied but I still didn’t pass. | |
Meu filho idiota não passará da quinta série. - My stupid son won’t pass fifth grade. | |
18. v. (indtr, em, intr=1) to pass (to successfully complete an academic course, subject or test) | |
São poucos que passam no vestibular. - Few people pass the university admittance test. | |
Querem que eu passe a geografia. - They want me to pass geography. | |
19. v. to pass (to make a student pass a term or course) | |
O professor não quis passar seus alunos mais preguiçosos. - The professor didn’t want to pass his lazier students. | |
20. v. to pass (to be passable, good enough, acceptable) | |
A pizza deles não é lá excelente, mas passa. - Their pizza isn’t that excellent, but it passes. | |
21. v. to iron (to unwrinkle clothing using an iron) | |
Ela mandou a empregada passar o terno. - She told the maid to iron the suit. | |
22. v. to spread; to apply (to rub evenly on a surface) | |
Passem protetor nos seus rostos. - Apply sunscreen on your faces. | |
23. v. (indtr, por) to go through; to undergo; to experience | |
Haviam passado por muita miséria quando crianças. - They had experienced a lot of misery when they were children. | |
24. v. (with the adverb bem or mal, intransitive) to be in a given situation of health | |
Não se preocupe, eu passo bem. - Don’t worry, I am fine. | |
25. v. to pass; to spread (to put in circulation) | |
Começaram a passar rumores. - They started spreading rumours. | |
26. v. (indtr, por, .takes a reflexive pronoun) to impersonate (to pretend to be something in order to deceive) | |
O bandido está se passando por vítima para fugir daqui. - The criminal is pretending to be a victim to get out of here. | |
27. v. (games, intransitive, transitive) to pass (to decline to play on one’s turn) | |
“É a sua vez.” “Passo.” - “It’s your turn.” “I pass.” | |
Por que você passou a sua vez? - Why did you skip your turn? | |
28. v. (Portugal, informal) indtr, .takes a reflexive pronoun to freak out, to go crazy | |
Como assim vais sair com esta tempestade sem agasalho? Estás-te a passar? - What do you mean you're going out in this storm without a coat? Are you going crazy? | |
Ela passou-se de vez. - She went off the deep end. |
conduzir | |
1. v. to wage (to conduct or carry out) | |
2. v. to conduct | |
3. v. to drive a vehicle |
guiar | |
1. v. to lead; to guide; to direct | |
2. v. to drive (a vehicle) | |
3. v. to guide (supervise one's education) |
mãozada | |
1. n-f. handful (amount held in a hand) | |
2. n-f. slap (blow given with the open hand) | |
3. n-f. hand grasp |
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