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The Portuguese word for to hold is

to hold

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. pega, alça
     2. Substantivo. suporte, apoio
     3. Substantivo. influência
     4. Substantivo. impressão
     5. Substantivo. posse
     6. Substantivo. fortificação
     7. Substantivo. domínio
     8. Substantivo. força, poder
     9. Substantivo. presa
     10. Verbo. segurar
     11. Verbo. pegar, agarrar
     12. Verbo. reter
     13. Verbo. sustentar
     14. Verbo. vigorar
     15. Verbo. conter
     16. Verbo. manter
     17. Verbo. permanecer
     18. Verbo. celebrar
     19. Verbo. defender
     20. Verbo. presidir
     21. Verbo. julgar
     22. Verbo. embargar
     23. Verbo. durar
     24. Verbo. considerar
     25. Verbo. levar
     26. Verbo. possuir

Translations for hold and their definitions

     1. v. to hold; to grasp
     2. v. to make safe
     3. v. to hold back (act with reserve; contain one’s full measure or power)
     4. v. to hold back; to contain; to stop
     5. v. to insure (provide for compensation if some specified risk occurs)

     1. n-m. (nautical, aviation) hold (cargo area of a ship or aircraft)
     2. n-m. (Brazil) basement
     3. v. verb form of pôr

     1. v. to catch
     2. v.          to grab, hold
     3. v.          (Brazil) to discover someone doing something
     4. v. (indtr, em) to touch
     5. v. (Brazil, slang) to engage in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone for one night or some short period of time
     6. v. (colloquial transitive reflexive) to fight, to engage in a physical conflict
     7. v. to stick, to glue
     8. v. (colloquial intransitive) to catch on
     9. v. (Brazil, transitive) to catch, to take (a transport)
           Vamos pegar um ônibus. - Let's take a bus.

     1. v. to consider
     2. v. to think highly of

     1. v. to realize, execute, carry out, put into practice

     1. v. to stop, arrest, detain, restrain
     2. v. to deter
     3. v. to withhold
     4. v. to hold (a right or privilege)
           A empresa detém o direito de despedir os empregados.
     5. v. to own (corporate)
           Esta empresa detém uma cadeia de restaurantes.

     1. v. to possess; to have; to own
           Possuo dois automóveis. - (I) have two automobiles.
     2. v. to have as a quality or characteristic
           Esta frase possui cinco palavras. - This phrase has five words.
     3. v. to control; to hold (exercise influence over)
           O cristianismo possuia a Europa durante a Idade Média. - Christianity controlled Europe during the Middle Ages.
     4. v. (spiritualism) to possess (to take control of someone’s body or mind in a supernatural manner)
           Graças ao exorcismo, João livrou-se do demônio que o havia possuído. - Thanks to the exorcism, John got rid of the demon who had possessed him.
     5. v. to overwhelm (to overpower emotionally)
           O medo nos possuiu. - Fear overwhelmed us.
     6. v. (proscribed) to have (to be related to)
           Eu possuo dois filhos. - I have two children

     1. v. to sustain
     2. v. to support, underpin

     1. v. to save, keep, retain, preserve
     2. v. to protect, defend
     3. v. to put away (to put something in its usual storage place)

     1. v. to support (to keep from falling)
     2. v. (figuratively, transitive intransitive) to bear, to put up with
           Não aguento mais! - I can't stand it anymore!
           Ele não aguenta uma piada. - He can't take a joke.
     3. v. to hold out; to hold on
           Temos de aguentar até ao fim. - We shall hold on till the end.
     4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to hold; to hold up

     1. v. to delay
     2. v. to hinder progress
     3. v. to put back (a clock)
     4. v. to be late

     1. v. to have
     2. v.          to own; to possess; to have; to have got
                   Tenho uma bela casa. (I have a beautiful house.)
     3. v.          to be rich, to have plenty of money; or, to have enough money to live comfortably
                   Os caridosos sempre ajudam os que menos têm. (The charitable always help those who don’t have enough.)
     4. v.          to have as a component or to consist of
                   Esta frase tem cinco palavras. (This sentence has five words.)
                   As lanças têm cabos compridos. (Spears have long shafts.)
     5. v.          to have (to be related in some way to, with the object identifying the relationship)
                   Este livro tem dono. (This book has an owner.)
                   Tenho três irmãs. (I have three sisters.)
     6. v.          to be in possession of; to have as part of one’s personal effects; to have in hand
                   O senhor tem a sua carteira? (Do you have your wallet on you?)
     7. v.          to consist of a certain amount of units of measurement
                   Tenho quarenta anos. (I am forty years old.) - I have forty years
                   Tenho 1,78 m de altura. - I am 1.78 m tall.
                   Esta caneta tem dez centímetros. (This pen is ten centimeters long.)
     8. v.          to have a certain characteristic
                   Este jogo não tem graça. (This game isn’t fun.) - this game doesn’t have fun)
                   As palavras que dizes têm significado. (The words you say have meaning.)
     9. v.          to be afflicted with a certain disease or other medical condition
                   Tens um resfriado. (You have a cold.)
     10. v.          indicates that the subject has an event (the object) scheduled
                   Temos uma partida de xadrez daqui a uma semana. (We have a chess match in a week.)
     11. v.          (Brazil, intransitive) to receive one’s wage
                   Ainda não tive esse mês. (I still haven’t received my wage this month.)
     12. v. (indtr, que, aux=infinitive) must; to have to
     13. v. (auxiliary) to have
     14. v.          (imperfect indicative forms followed by a masculine singular past participle) forms the past perfect
                   Tínhamos já comido bolo. - We had eaten cake already.
     15. v.          (present indicative forms followed by a masculine singular past participle) forms the present perfect progressive
                   Tenho comido muita carne ultimamente. (I have been eating a lot of meat lately.)
     16. v.          (conditional forms followed by a masculine singular past participle) forms the conditional perfect
                   Eu o teria comprado, se tivesse dinheiro. (I would have bought it, if I had money.)
     17. v. (Brazil, impersonal, transitive) there be (to exist, physically or abstractly)
           Amanhã terá aula. (There will be class tomorrow.)
           Tem países em guerra naquela região. (There are countries at war in that region.)
     18. v. to give birth to
           A vaca terá um bezerro. (The cow will give birth to a calf.)
           Estou tendo gêmeos! (I'm having twins!)
     19. v. (indtr, por, como, .copulative, .or) to consider (assign some quality to)
           Todos têm João por inteligente. (Everyone considers John to be intelligent.)
           João o tinha como amigo. (John considered him a friend.)
     20. v. (indtr, com) to go to; to interact with somebody
           Vá ter com a formiga, ó preguiçoso; considera os seus caminhos e sê sábio. (Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.)

     1. v. to contain, hold, carry
     2. v. to include

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