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The Portuguese word for level is



The gender of nível is masculine. E.g. o nível.


The plural of nível is níveis.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Adjetivo. liso
     2. Adjetivo. que está na horizontal
     3. Substantivo. nível
     4. Verbo. nivelar

Translations for level and their definitions

     1. adj. level (same height at all places)
     2. Participle. past participle of nivelar

     1. v. to walk (to move on one’s feet)
           Estive andando o dia todo, procurando por você. - I’ve been walking all day, looking for you.
     2. v. (indtr, em, por, direct=1, qualdirect=somewhat formal) to walk (to travel through a given path)
           Já andei essa estrada mil vezes. - I’ve walked this road a thousand times.
     3. v. (indtr, de) to ride; to take; to travel by (to use a given mode of transportation)
           Ela está andando de ônibus para economizar tempo. - She’s traveling by bus to save time.
           Andamos de cavalo ontem. - We rode horses yesterday.
     4. v. (copulative) to habitually or continuously be in the given state
           Bons amigos sempre andam juntos. - Good friends are always together.
           Ele anda deprimido. - He has been depressed.
     5. v. (auxiliary) to have been (to habitually or continuously do something)
           Ele anda tentando consertar aquele carro. - He has been trying to fix that car.
     6. v. (indtr, por) to be around; to be to (to visit or be within a given area)
           Eu já andei pela França e Itália. - I’ve already been to France and Italy.
           Faz algum tempo que o xerife não anda por aqui. - It's been some time since the sheriff has been around here.
     7. v. (indtr, com, intr=1) to hurry up (with) (to do something more quickly)
           Anda! - Hurry up!
           Preciso de andar com o projeto. - I need to hurry up with the project.
     8. v. to proceed; to pass; to go on (to continue in action)
           Os meses andam e eu continuo nesta situação. - The months pass and I continue on this situation.
           Esta fila não anda. - This queue doesn’t move.
     9. v. to function; to work
           Há meses que o meu relógio não anda. - My clock hasn’t been working for months.
     10. n-m. floor, storey (level of a building)
     11. n-m. (Portugal) apartment, flat
     12. n-m. gait, walk (manner of walking)

     1. v. to level (adjust so as to make level)

     1. adj. flat; level (having the same height at all places)
     2. adj. plane (of a surface, perfectly flat)
     3. n-m. plane (level or flat surface)
     4. n-m. (geometry) plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
     5. n-m. plan (set of intended actions)
     6. n-m. plan (2-dimensional drawing of a building, location, transportation network, etc. as seen from above)
     7. n-m. (optics) focal plane
     8. n-m. (anatomy) plane (imaginary plane which divides the body into two portions)
           (hyponyms, plano distal, plano medial, plano mediano, plano sagital)

     1. v. to raze, demolish
     2. v. (slang) to do something very well so that one gets popular attention

     1. n-m. level
     2. n-m. rank, status
     3. n-m. class, distinction

     1. v. to go forward, advance
     2. v. to surpass, exceed

     1. n-f. phase
     2. n-f. stage
     3. n-f. period
     4. n-f. (Brazil, video games) level

     1. v. pt-superseded-silent-letter-1990, direcionar

     1. n-f. constant (that which is permanent or invariable)
     2. n-f. (algebra) constant (quantity that remains fixed)
     3. n-f. (sciences) constant (property that does not change)
     4. n-f. (programming) constant (identifier that is bound to an invariant value)
     5. adj. constant (unchanged through time or space)
     6. adj. constant (consistently recurring over time)
     7. adj. constant (steady in purpose, action)
     8. adj. which is included somewhere on in something
           As palavras constantes neste dicionário são de todas as línguas. - The words included in this dictionary are of all languages.

     1. v. (indtr, por, -another positional preposition, intr=1) to pass; to pass by (to move past)
           Já passaram treze carros. - Thirteen cars have passed by.
           Não vi ninguém passar pela casa. - I didn’t see anyone passing by the house.
     2. v.          to overtake (to move ahead of)
                   O piloto tentou passar o outro carro. - The pilot tried to overtake the other car.
     3. v.          (indtr, direct=1) to cross (to move beyond)
                   Se passarmos da fronteira, podemos ser presos. - If we pass the border, we could be arrested.
     4. v.          (indtr, de) to cross; to pass; to go over (to become greater in value than)
                   O preço da maçã passou de trinta centavos durante a seca. - The price an apple went over thirty cents during the drought.
                   Você já passou dos limites! - You have crossed the line!
     5. v.          (indtr, por, intr=1) to go through (to move from one end through to the other side)
                   A flecha passou pelo seu coração. - The arrow went through his heart.
     6. v.          (indtr, em, por) to pass (to go unheeded or neglected)
                   Sementes não passam no portão do aeroporto. - Seeds don’t pass the airport gate.
     7. v.          (indtr, em, -a locational pronoun) to stop by (to pay a brief visit)
                   Passarei na casa da mãe antes de ir embora. - I’ll stop by mother’s before I leave.
     8. v. (indtr, para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, ditr=1, .transitive, .or) to pass (to move something over to)
           Alguém me passa o leite? - Can someone pass me the milk?
     9. v.          (indtr, para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, ditr=1, .sports) to pass
                   O técnico quer que eu passe para os atacantes. - The coach wants me to pass to the strikers.
     10. v. to pass (to be over)
           Demorou anos para a dor nas minhas costas passar. - It took years for the pain in my back to go away.
           A época do plantio passou. - The time for planting has passed.
     11. v.          (of time, intransitive, sometimes takes a reflexive pronoun) to pass; to elapse
                   Passaram(-se) vinte minutos. - Twenty minutes had passed.
     12. v. (indtr, a, aux=impersonal infinitive) to begin to; to start to; usually referring to something habitual
           Depois do acidente, passei a aproveitar a vida. - After the accident, I started to enjoy life.
     13. v. to spend (to stay somewhere during a given time)
           Passara uma semana no hospital. - She had spent one week in the hospital.
     14. v. (auxiliary) to spend (to do something during a given time)
           Prefiro passar o dia vendo televisão. - I prefer spending the day watching television.
     15. v. to take place; to happen; to occur
           Parece que se passou algo sério nessa estrada. - It looks like something serious took place in this street.
     16. v. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
           O pagamento no cartão não passou. - The payment with the card didn’t pass.
     17. v.          (indtr, intr=1) to pass (to successfully complete an academic term)
                   Estudei e mesmo assim não passei. - I studied but I still didn’t pass.
                   Meu filho idiota não passará da quinta série. - My stupid son won’t pass fifth grade.
     18. v.          (indtr, em, intr=1) to pass (to successfully complete an academic course, subject or test)
                   São poucos que passam no vestibular. - Few people pass the university admittance test.
                   Querem que eu passe a geografia. - They want me to pass geography.
     19. v.          to pass (to make a student pass a term or course)
                   O professor não quis passar seus alunos mais preguiçosos. - The professor didn’t want to pass his lazier students.
     20. v.          to pass (to be passable, good enough, acceptable)
                   A pizza deles não é lá excelente, mas passa. - Their pizza isn’t that excellent, but it passes.
     21. v. to iron (to unwrinkle clothing using an iron)
           Ela mandou a empregada passar o terno. - She told the maid to iron the suit.
     22. v. to spread; to apply (to rub evenly on a surface)
           Passem protetor nos seus rostos. - Apply sunscreen on your faces.
     23. v. (indtr, por) to go through; to undergo; to experience
           Haviam passado por muita miséria quando crianças. - They had experienced a lot of misery when they were children.
     24. v. (with the adverb bem or mal, intransitive) to be in a given situation of health
           Não se preocupe, eu passo bem. - Don’t worry, I am fine.
     25. v. to pass; to spread (to put in circulation)
           Começaram a passar rumores. - They started spreading rumours.
     26. v. (indtr, por, .takes a reflexive pronoun) to impersonate (to pretend to be something in order to deceive)
           O bandido está se passando por vítima para fugir daqui. - The criminal is pretending to be a victim to get out of here.
     27. v. (games, intransitive, transitive) to pass (to decline to play on one’s turn)
           “É a sua vez.” “Passo.” - “It’s your turn.” “I pass.”
           Por que você passou a sua vez? - Why did you skip your turn?
     28. v. (Portugal, informal) indtr, .takes a reflexive pronoun to freak out, to go crazy
           Como assim vais sair com esta tempestade sem agasalho? Estás-te a passar? - What do you mean you're going out in this storm without a coat? Are you going crazy?
           Ela passou-se de vez. - She went off the deep end.

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