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The Portuguese word for plate is



The gender of prato is masculine. E.g. o prato.


The plural of prato is pratos.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. prato (onde se serve a comida)
     2. Substantivo. a porção de comida que vai dentro do prato
     3. Substantivo. pedaço liso de metal
     4. Substantivo. ilustração que ocupa uma página inteira
     5. Substantivo. placa de veículo
     6. Verbo. cobrir a superfície de um objeto com uma fina camada de algum material, usualmente metal

Translations for plate and their definitions

     1. n-f. plate (a flat metallic object)
     2. n-f. street sign
     3. n-f. (dentistry) dental plaque
     4. n-f. (Brazil) license plate
     5. n-f. (electronics) circuit board
     6. n-f. (seismology) tectonic plate

     1. n-m. plate
     2. n-m.          a flat dish from which food is served or eaten
     3. n-m.          a course at a meal
     4. n-m. (music) cymbal

     1. v. to laminate

     1. n-f. plate; plateful (quantity of food contained on a plate)

     1. n-f. board
     2. n-f. plank

     1. n-f. plate (flat piece of metal)
     2. n-f.          license plate (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle)
     3. n-f.          (cooking) a heated metal plate used to cook food
     4. n-f. (informal) X-ray (photograph made with X-rays)
     5. n-f. (politics) ticket (two or more people, often in the same party, running together in an election)
     6. n-m. (Brazil, colloquial) mate; pal; buddy (term of address for a friend)
     7. n-m. (Brazil) a person who helps truck drivers find locations and exchange cargos
     8. v. verb form of chapar

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