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The Portuguese word for purple is


Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. roxo
     2. Adjetivo. roxo
     3. Verbo. ficar roxo

Translations for purple and their definitions

     1. adj. having purple as its color
     2. adj. being bruised
     3. adj. (figuratively) overcome with envy; green
           está roxo de inveja - he is green with envy
     4. n-m. purple (colour)

     1. n-f. a colour between purple and red
     2. n-f. (medicine) purpura (marks on the skin due to subdermal bleeding)
     3. n-f. Tyrian purple (a purple dye extracted from certain sea molluscs)
     4. n-f.          any mollusc that produces Tyrian purple
     5. n-f.          red fabric, dyed with Tyrian purple (a symbol of royal or ecclesiastic power)
     6. n-f.         # (metonym) royal or ecclesiastic power
     7. adj. of a colour between purple and red

     1. Proper noun. given name, female, eq=Violet
     2. adj. violet
     3. n-f. violet (color)
     4. n-f. violet (plant)
     5. n-f. (Brazil) viola (musical instrument of the violin family)

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