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The Portuguese word for right is



The gender of direita is feminine. E.g. a direita.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Adjetivo. direito
     2. Adjetivo. certo, correto
     3. Advérbio. logo, nos primeiros instantes
           right after (logo após)
     4. Advérbio. bem, exatamente
           right here (bem aqui)
     5. Advérbio. direito, corretamente, satisfatoriamente
           to see right (ver direito / enxergar direito)
     6. Advérbio. diretamente, invariavelmente, sem rodeios
           to come right at someone (vir diretamente para alguém)
     7. Substantivo. direita (o lado ou direção)
     8. Substantivo. direito

Translations for right and their definitions

     1. n-f. right (opposite of left)
     2. n-f. (politics) right
     3. adj. feminine singular of direito

direito ©
     1. n-m. law (body of rules and standards to be applied by courts)
     2. adj. right (toward the right side; right-hand)
     3. adj. right (complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct)
     4. adj. right (fit for purpose; appropriate; right)
     5. adj. (politics) right, right-wing (pertaining to the political right)

então ©
     1. adv. then (at that time)
           Desde então sempre tive cuidado (Since then I've always been careful.)
     2. adv. then (soon afterwards; after that)
           Então, o ladrão fugiu. (After that, the thief ran away.)
     3. conj. thus; therefore (as a result)
           Esse computador é caro, então não posso comprá-lo. (This computer is expensive, therefore I can’t buy it.)
     4. interj. so (used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story)
           Então, o que aconteceu? (So, what happened?)
     5. interj. Used to introduce an answer which is more complex than expected.
           “As cadeiras são azuis ou verdes?” “Então, algumas são azuis, algumas verdes e algumas vermelhas.” (“Are the chairs blue or green?” “Well, some are blue, some green and some red.”)
     6. interj. l, exactly
     7. interj. (signifies agreement or recognition).
           Então, falou tudo! (Exactly, you've said it all!)

     1. adv. well; accurately; competently
           Este filme foi muito bem produzido. - This film was produced very well.
     2. adv. well; fairly; rather (to a significant degree)
           Ele entrou no hospital com uma ferida bem ruim. - He got into the hospital with a rather nasty wound.
     3. adv. (familiar) very; really (to a high degree)
           Vai embora que eu estou bem bravo. - Go away ’cause I’m really angry.
     4. adv. well; all right; fine; OK (healthy; not wounded or sick)
           Estou bem, podemos continuar. - I’m fine, we can go on.
           Ele não está bem da cabeça. - He’s not right in the head.
     5. adv. well; all right; fine; OK (feeling good)
           Faz tempo que não a vejo. Ela está bem? - I haven’t seen her in a long time. Is she all right?
     6. adv. fairly; justly (in a fair manner)
           O juiz fez bem em condená-los. - The judge acted fairly in convicting them.
     7. adv. (Brazil) exactly; right on
           Chegaram bem na hora. - They arrived right on time.
     8. interj. used to express approval
     9. interj. well (used to introduce a new sentence, idea or line of thought)
           Bem, eu vou ficar aqui. - Well, I’m staying here.
     10. n-m. (chiefly narratology) good (the ensemble of forces that conspire for good, as opposed to evil)
           Mais um conto sobre a luta do bem contra o mal. - Yet another tale about the fight between good and evil.
     11. n-m. good; property (item that is owned by a person)
           Ele faliu e teve que vender quase todos os seus bens. - He went bankrupt and had to sell most of his goods.
     12. n-m. (usually with a possessive pronoun) darling; dear (term of address for a loved one)
           Você vem conosco, meu bem? - Are you coming with us, my dear?

     1. adj. straight (not crooked or bent)
     2. adj. honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just (of a person or institution)
     3. adj. (geometry) right (of an angle)
     4. adj. (linguistics, attributive, of a pronoun) subject (used in the nominative case)
           Os pronomes retos na língua portuguesa são "eu", "tu", "você", "ele", "ela", "nós", "vós", "vocês", "eles" e "elas". - The subject pronouns in the Portuguese language are "eu", "tu", "você", "e
     5. n-m. (anatomy) rectum (terminal part of the large intestine)

     1. v. to correct

     1. adj. perpendicular
     2. n-f. perpendicular

     1. v. to right (to set upright)
     2. v. to dress someone in nice clothes

de direita
     1. adj. (politics) right, right-wing (pertaining to the political right; conservative)

     1. contraction. (colloquial interrogatory)contraction of não é ; used as a tag question to ask for someone's opinion: isn't it so, isn't it (so); innit; right
           Você já comeu, né? - You have already eaten, right?
     2. contraction. (colloquial often interrogatory) (Expresses that something is obvious:) duh; obviously
           Do que é feito um anel de diamante? De diamantes, né?! - What is a diamond ring made of? Diamonds, obviously!

     1. adj. correct

     1. Proper noun. given name, male, eq=Justus
     2. adj. free from sin and guilt; righteous
     3. adj. morally justified; righteous
     4. adj. fair, just

     1. adv. correctly

     1. adj. right, right-wing, rightist (pertaining to the political right)
     2. n. rightist (a person who holds views associated with the political right)

     1. adj. right; correct (not containing errors)
           A resposta está certa. - The answer is correct.
     2. adj. certain; sure (without doubt)
     3. adj. precise; accurate
     4. adj. morally right; just
     5. adj. inevitable (impossible to avoid or prevent)
           A morte é certa. - Death is inevitable.
     6. adv. correctly
     7. adv. surely
     8. det. certain (determined but unspecified)
     9. interj. OK, all right

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