The Portuguese word for right is

The gender of direita is feminine. E.g. a direita.Portuguese Definition
right | |
1. Adjetivo. direito | |
2. Adjetivo. certo, correto | |
3. Advérbio. logo, nos primeiros instantes | |
right after (logo após) | |
4. Advérbio. bem, exatamente | |
right here (bem aqui) | |
5. Advérbio. direito, corretamente, satisfatoriamente | |
to see right (ver direito / enxergar direito) | |
6. Advérbio. diretamente, invariavelmente, sem rodeios | |
to come right at someone (vir diretamente para alguém) | |
7. Substantivo. direita (o lado ou direção) | |
8. Substantivo. direito |
Translations for right and their definitions
direita | |
1. n-f. right (opposite of left) | |
2. n-f. (politics) right | |
3. adj. feminine singular of direito |
direito | ![]() | |
1. n-m. law (body of rules and standards to be applied by courts) | ||
2. adj. right (toward the right side; right-hand) | ||
3. adj. right (complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct) | ||
4. adj. right (fit for purpose; appropriate; right) | ||
5. adj. (politics) right, right-wing (pertaining to the political right) |
então | ![]() | |
1. adv. then (at that time) | ||
Desde então sempre tive cuidado (Since then I've always been careful.) | ||
2. adv. then (soon afterwards; after that) | ||
Então, o ladrão fugiu. (After that, the thief ran away.) | ||
3. conj. thus; therefore (as a result) | ||
Esse computador é caro, então não posso comprá-lo. (This computer is expensive, therefore I can’t buy it.) | ||
4. interj. so (used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story) | ||
Então, o que aconteceu? (So, what happened?) | ||
5. interj. Used to introduce an answer which is more complex than expected. | ||
“As cadeiras são azuis ou verdes?” “Então, algumas são azuis, algumas verdes e algumas vermelhas.” (“Are the chairs blue or green?” “Well, some are blue, some green and some red.”) | ||
6. interj. l, exactly | ||
7. interj. (signifies agreement or recognition). | ||
Então, falou tudo! (Exactly, you've said it all!) |
bem | |
1. adv. well; accurately; competently | |
Este filme foi muito bem produzido. - This film was produced very well. | |
2. adv. well; fairly; rather (to a significant degree) | |
Ele entrou no hospital com uma ferida bem ruim. - He got into the hospital with a rather nasty wound. | |
3. adv. (familiar) very; really (to a high degree) | |
Vai embora que eu estou bem bravo. - Go away ’cause I’m really angry. | |
4. adv. well; all right; fine; OK (healthy; not wounded or sick) | |
Estou bem, podemos continuar. - I’m fine, we can go on. | |
Ele não está bem da cabeça. - He’s not right in the head. | |
5. adv. well; all right; fine; OK (feeling good) | |
Faz tempo que não a vejo. Ela está bem? - I haven’t seen her in a long time. Is she all right? | |
6. adv. fairly; justly (in a fair manner) | |
O juiz fez bem em condená-los. - The judge acted fairly in convicting them. | |
7. adv. (Brazil) exactly; right on | |
Chegaram bem na hora. - They arrived right on time. | |
8. interj. used to express approval | |
9. interj. well (used to introduce a new sentence, idea or line of thought) | |
Bem, eu vou ficar aqui. - Well, I’m staying here. | |
10. n-m. (chiefly narratology) good (the ensemble of forces that conspire for good, as opposed to evil) | |
Mais um conto sobre a luta do bem contra o mal. - Yet another tale about the fight between good and evil. | |
11. n-m. good; property (item that is owned by a person) | |
Ele faliu e teve que vender quase todos os seus bens. - He went bankrupt and had to sell most of his goods. | |
12. n-m. (usually with a possessive pronoun) darling; dear (term of address for a loved one) | |
Você vem conosco, meu bem? - Are you coming with us, my dear? |
reto | |
1. adj. straight (not crooked or bent) | |
2. adj. honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just (of a person or institution) | |
3. adj. (geometry) right (of an angle) | |
4. adj. (linguistics, attributive, of a pronoun) subject (used in the nominative case) | |
Os pronomes retos na língua portuguesa são "eu", "tu", "você", "ele", "ela", "nós", "vós", "vocês", "eles" e "elas". - The subject pronouns in the Portuguese language are "eu", "tu", "você", "e | |
5. n-m. (anatomy) rectum (terminal part of the large intestine) |
corrigir | |
1. v. to correct |
perpendicular | |
1. adj. perpendicular | |
2. n-f. perpendicular |
aprumar | |
1. v. to right (to set upright) | |
2. v. to dress someone in nice clothes |
de direita | |
1. adj. (politics) right, right-wing (pertaining to the political right; conservative) |
né | |
1. contraction. (colloquial interrogatory)contraction of não é ; used as a tag question to ask for someone's opinion: isn't it so, isn't it (so); innit; right | |
Você já comeu, né? - You have already eaten, right? | |
2. contraction. (colloquial often interrogatory) (Expresses that something is obvious:) duh; obviously | |
Do que é feito um anel de diamante? De diamantes, né?! - What is a diamond ring made of? Diamonds, obviously! |
correto | |
1. adj. correct |
Justo | |
1. Proper noun. given name, male, eq=Justus | |
2. adj. free from sin and guilt; righteous | |
3. adj. morally justified; righteous | |
4. adj. fair, just |
corretamente | |
1. adv. correctly |
direitista | |
1. adj. right, right-wing, rightist (pertaining to the political right) | |
2. n. rightist (a person who holds views associated with the political right) |
certo | |
1. adj. right; correct (not containing errors) | |
A resposta está certa. - The answer is correct. | |
2. adj. certain; sure (without doubt) | |
3. adj. precise; accurate | |
4. adj. morally right; just | |
5. adj. inevitable (impossible to avoid or prevent) | |
A morte é certa. - Death is inevitable. | |
6. adv. correctly | |
7. adv. surely | |
8. det. certain (determined but unspecified) | |
9. interj. OK, all right |
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