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The Portuguese word for ring is



The gender of anel is masculine. E.g. o anel.


The plural of anel is anéis.

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. anel, aro
     2. Substantivo. (Desporto) ringue
     3. Substantivo. o som de um sino a tocar
     4. Substantivo. chamada telefônica
     5. Verbo. telefonar

Translations for ring and their definitions

     1. v. to call; to summon (to ask someone to come)
           Há uma partida amanhã, chamem os seus amigos. - There is a match tomorrow, call your friends.
     2. v. (indtr, a, ditr=1) to call (to use as the name of)
           Os botânicos chamam àquele tipo de árvore de gimnosperma. - Botanists call that type of tree a gymnosperm.
     3. v. (indtr, ditr=1, cop=1) to call (to verbally ascribe someone a quality)
           Chamaram-me feio na escola. - They called me ugly at school.
     4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun, transitive) to be called (to have a specific name)
           Olá, chamo-me Pedro. - Hi, I’m called Peter.

     1. v. to telephone

     1. v. to link; to connect; to join (to put things together so they work together)
           O ferreiro ligou os ferros com um maçarico. - The blacksmith connected the irons with a blowtorch.
     2. v. to connect; to associate (to consider multiples things related)
           O detetive tentou ligar as evidências. - The detective tried to connect the evidence.
     3. v. to turn on (to make a device start operating)
           Liguem os motores e se preparem para a largada! - Turn your engines on and prepare for the start of the race!
           Alguém ligou a luz. - Somebody turned on the light.
     4. v. (indtr, para, a, -an indirect objective pronoun, .telephony) to call; to dial (to attempt to talk to someone with a telephone)
           Tentei ligar para a minha mãe, mas ela não atendeu. - I tried to call my mum, but she didn’t pick up.
     5. v. to turn on (to start operating, said of a device)
           Computador não quer ligar. - The computer doesn't want to turn on.
     6. v. (indtr, para, intr=1, .Brazil, .informal) to care (about); to mind (to have concern or interest in)
           Antes eu não ligava para a política. - Previously I didn’t care about politics.
     7. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something
           Só me liguei depois. - I only realized it later.
     8. v. (metallurgy, transitive) to alloy (to make an alloy from)
           Para fazer bronze, deves ligar estanho com cobre. - To make bronze, you must alloy tin with copper.
     9. v. (surgery, transitive) to tie (tie a ligature around a vessel)

     1. n-m. touch, tap
     2. n-m. ring (of a phone)
     3. n-m. ringtone (of a mobile phone)
     4. n-m. stroke
     5. n-m. (by extension) detail, touch (distinguishing feature or characteristic)
     6. n-m. a small quantity
     7. n-m. advice or warning
     8. v. verb form of tocar

     1. n-f. small hoop
     2. n-f. ring (bird band)
     3. n-f. bracelet
     4. n-f. (mechanics) washer
     5. n-f. (hydraulics) iron ring for supporting safety beams
     6. n-f. metal frame surrounding a wooden rod
     7. n-f. (Brazil) weight (plate of a specified weight placed on a dumbbell)
     8. v. verb form of anilhar

     1. n-f. a round piece of food, such as a slice of banana or sausage
     2. n-f. (informal) kneecap (bone of the knee)
     3. n-f. (historical) a type of round infantry shield
     4. n-f. (Brazil, colloquial) nonsense; malarkey

     1. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to touch, to finger, to feel (tactually)
           Toquei levemente (em) seu braço - I slighty touched his arm
     2. v. (figurative) to start addressing (a particular subject or issue)
           Já que você tocou nessa questão, vamos continuar - Since you began talking about that issue, let's continue
     3. v. to play (a musical instrument)
           Ela toca piano muito bem - She plays the piano very well
     4. v. to sound, jingle, to honk, to ring (a bell, alarm, horn or similar object)
           Toque a campainha! - Ring the bell!
           Não deveríamos ter tocado o alarme. - We shouldn't have sounded the alarm.
     5. v. (Brazil, informal) to kick out, to expulse
           Alguém precisa tocá-lo daqui - Someone has to kick him out from here
     6. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something
           Só me toquei depois. - I only realized it later.

     1. n-m. ring (place where some sports take place)

     1. n-m. circle
     2. n-m. (politics) a constituency, a representative district
           Eu represento o círculo eleitoral de Braga - I represent the constituency of Braga

     1. n-m. ring (small metal object)
     2. n-m. (colloquial) asshole; anus

     1. n-m. a group of people
     2. n-m. collection, a group of objects
     3. n-m. (music) band
     4. n-m. (mathematics) set (collection of mathematical objects, often having a common property)
     5. n-m. outfit (all the clothes that you wear at the same time, usually special clothes)
     6. adj. (uncomparable) joined, linked
     7. adj. contiguous
     8. adj. adjoining, nearby
     9. adj. (uncomparable) joint (done by two or more people together)

     1. v. make a sound
           A corda da guitarra soa desafinada. - The guitar string sounds out of tune.
     2. v. to look; to seem; to appear

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