The Portuguese word for ring is

The gender of anel is masculine. E.g. o anel.Plural
The plural of anel is anéis.Portuguese Definition
ring | |
1. Substantivo. anel, aro | |
2. Substantivo. (Desporto) ringue | |
3. Substantivo. o som de um sino a tocar | |
4. Substantivo. chamada telefônica | |
5. Verbo. telefonar |
Translations for ring and their definitions
chamar | |
1. v. to call; to summon (to ask someone to come) | |
Há uma partida amanhã, chamem os seus amigos. - There is a match tomorrow, call your friends. | |
2. v. (indtr, a, ditr=1) to call (to use as the name of) | |
Os botânicos chamam àquele tipo de árvore de gimnosperma. - Botanists call that type of tree a gymnosperm. | |
3. v. (indtr, ditr=1, cop=1) to call (to verbally ascribe someone a quality) | |
Chamaram-me feio na escola. - They called me ugly at school. | |
4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun, transitive) to be called (to have a specific name) | |
Olá, chamo-me Pedro. - Hi, I’m called Peter. |
telefonar | |
1. v. to telephone |
ligar | |
1. v. to link; to connect; to join (to put things together so they work together) | |
O ferreiro ligou os ferros com um maçarico. - The blacksmith connected the irons with a blowtorch. | |
2. v. to connect; to associate (to consider multiples things related) | |
O detetive tentou ligar as evidências. - The detective tried to connect the evidence. | |
3. v. to turn on (to make a device start operating) | |
Liguem os motores e se preparem para a largada! - Turn your engines on and prepare for the start of the race! | |
Alguém ligou a luz. - Somebody turned on the light. | |
4. v. (indtr, para, a, -an indirect objective pronoun, .telephony) to call; to dial (to attempt to talk to someone with a telephone) | |
Tentei ligar para a minha mãe, mas ela não atendeu. - I tried to call my mum, but she didn’t pick up. | |
5. v. to turn on (to start operating, said of a device) | |
Computador não quer ligar. - The computer doesn't want to turn on. | |
6. v. (indtr, para, intr=1, .Brazil, .informal) to care (about); to mind (to have concern or interest in) | |
Antes eu não ligava para a política. - Previously I didn’t care about politics. | |
7. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something | |
Só me liguei depois. - I only realized it later. | |
8. v. (metallurgy, transitive) to alloy (to make an alloy from) | |
Para fazer bronze, deves ligar estanho com cobre. - To make bronze, you must alloy tin with copper. | |
9. v. (surgery, transitive) to tie (tie a ligature around a vessel) |
toque | |
1. n-m. touch, tap | |
2. n-m. ring (of a phone) | |
3. n-m. ringtone (of a mobile phone) | |
4. n-m. stroke | |
5. n-m. (by extension) detail, touch (distinguishing feature or characteristic) | |
6. n-m. a small quantity | |
7. n-m. advice or warning | |
8. v. verb form of tocar |
anilha | |
1. n-f. small hoop | |
2. n-f. ring (bird band) | |
3. n-f. bracelet | |
4. n-f. (mechanics) washer | |
5. n-f. (hydraulics) iron ring for supporting safety beams | |
6. n-f. metal frame surrounding a wooden rod | |
7. n-f. (Brazil) weight (plate of a specified weight placed on a dumbbell) | |
8. v. verb form of anilhar |
rodela | |
1. n-f. a round piece of food, such as a slice of banana or sausage | |
2. n-f. (informal) kneecap (bone of the knee) | |
3. n-f. (historical) a type of round infantry shield | |
4. n-f. (Brazil, colloquial) nonsense; malarkey |
tocar | |
1. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to touch, to finger, to feel (tactually) | |
Toquei levemente (em) seu braço - I slighty touched his arm | |
2. v. (figurative) to start addressing (a particular subject or issue) | |
Já que você tocou nessa questão, vamos continuar - Since you began talking about that issue, let's continue | |
3. v. to play (a musical instrument) | |
Ela toca piano muito bem - She plays the piano very well | |
4. v. to sound, jingle, to honk, to ring (a bell, alarm, horn or similar object) | |
Toque a campainha! - Ring the bell! | |
Não deveríamos ter tocado o alarme. - We shouldn't have sounded the alarm. | |
5. v. (Brazil, informal) to kick out, to expulse | |
Alguém precisa tocá-lo daqui - Someone has to kick him out from here | |
6. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something | |
Só me toquei depois. - I only realized it later. |
ringue | |
1. n-m. ring (place where some sports take place) |
círculo | |
1. n-m. circle | |
2. n-m. (politics) a constituency, a representative district | |
Eu represento o círculo eleitoral de Braga - I represent the constituency of Braga |
anel | |
1. n-m. ring (small metal object) | |
2. n-m. (colloquial) asshole; anus |
conjunto | |
1. n-m. a group of people | |
2. n-m. collection, a group of objects | |
3. n-m. (music) band | |
4. n-m. (mathematics) set (collection of mathematical objects, often having a common property) | |
5. n-m. outfit (all the clothes that you wear at the same time, usually special clothes) | |
6. adj. (uncomparable) joined, linked | |
7. adj. contiguous | |
8. adj. adjoining, nearby | |
9. adj. (uncomparable) joint (done by two or more people together) |
soar | |
1. v. make a sound | |
A corda da guitarra soa desafinada. - The guitar string sounds out of tune. | |
2. v. to look; to seem; to appear |
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