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The Portuguese word for to sing is

to sing

Portuguese Definition

     1. Verbo. cantar
           to sing a song. (cantar uma canção)

Translations for sing and their definitions

     1. n-m. singing (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing)
           É belíssimo, o cantar deste pássaro! - The singing of this bird is very beautiful!
     2. v. to sing (express sounds musically through the voice)
           Enquanto passeava pelo jardim, ouvi um pássaro cantar. - While I was walking through the garden, I heard a bird sing.
     3. v. to sing, to say musically
           Ela cantou a sua melhor música. - She sang her best song.
     4. v. to say with rhythm, chant
           Enquanto tomava minhas medidas, ele cantava baixinho para si mesmo os números. - While taking my measures, he was chanting the numbers to himself in a soft voice.
     5. v. to attempt to seduce by flattery
           As únicas coisas que ele faz o dia todo são comer, dormir, e cantar meninas. - The only things he does all day are eat, sleep and seduce girls.

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