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The Portuguese word for to turn is

to turn

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. vez
     2. Substantivo. giro
     3. Verbo. embrulhar
     4. Verbo. virar
     5. Verbo. girar
     6. Verbo. dobrar
     7. Verbo. transformar
     8. Verbo. tornear
     9. Verbo. azedar (em se falando de leite, por exemplo)
     10. Verbo. (Cronologia) passar a ter, completar, fazer
           Today she is turning twenty. (Hoje ela está completando vinte)
     11. Verbo. voltar, voltar-se
           They have no idea how proceed and don't know where to turn. (Eles não têm ideia de como proceder e não sabem para onde se voltar)
           You have to turn your focus toward something more constructive. (Você tem de voltar seu foco para algo mais construtivo)

Translations for turn and their definitions

     1. Participle. feminine singular of jogado

     1. v. to turn; to rotate (change one’s own orientation)
     2. v. to turn; to rotate (change the orientation of something)

     1. n-f. time; occasion
           Ver-te-ei outra vez. - I’ll see you another time.
           Vencemos quatro vezes seguidas. - We won four times in a row.
     2. n-f. move (chance to use something shared in sequence with others)
     3. n-f. (games) turn; move (one’s chance to make a move in a game having two or more players)

     1. n-f. turning, turn (change of direction or orientation)
     2. n-f. Brazil ellipsis of virada do ano, , New Year's Eve celebration
     3. Participle. feminine singular of virado

     1. v. to turn (to change direction)
           No semáforo, vire à esquerda. - At the traffic lights, turn left.
     2. v. to turn around (to reverse direction)
           Cheguei a segui-la por um tempo, mas, quando ela virou para mim, eu já não sabia o que dizer. - I even followed her for a while, but, when she turned to me, I no longer knew what to say.
     3. v. (nautical, ergative) to capsize
     4. v. (ergative, of an opinion) to topple, to overturn
     5. v. to drink up (to empty a recipient of the liquid therein by drinking it through)
           E aí, vira uma dessa comigo? - Whatcha say, drink up one of these with me?
     6. v. (ergative, of a stomach) to upset
     7. v. (Brazil, colloquial, copulative) to become, to turn into, to transform, to convert
           Ela ter aparecido na TV fez com que ela virasse uma espécie de subcelebridade entre os amigos. - Her appearing on TV made her becoming a sort of subcelebrity among her friends.
           O cara era o maior vida louca, sério, e ainda assim virou evangélico, do nada! - The dude was a plain gangsta, really, and even so turned into a born-again Christian, all of a sudden!
     8. v. (Brazil, colloquial, reflexive) to make do, to deal with
           Ainda não sei muito bem como é que eu vou fazer, mas pode deixar que eu me viro assim mesmo. - I still don't know how exactly I'm gonna make it, but don't worry, I'll handle it anyway.
     9. v. (Brazil, colloquial, reflexive) to get by, to make ends meet, to push forward
           Que é difícil, é, né? Mas Deus ajuda, e a gente vai se virando como pode. - Yeah, it's difficult, that's right. But God helps, and we keep pushing forward as we can.
     10. v. (Brazil, colloquial, ergative) to pull an all-nighter, to stay awake all night
           E aí, bora virar hoje jogando um Warzinho? - So, how about we spend this night playing some Risk?
           A nenê chorou a noite inteira, e eu fui trabalhar virada. - The baby cried all night long, and I went to work without having slept.
     11. v. (Brazil, colloquial, copulative, with preposition "em", chiefly of spiritual entities) to embody, to incarnate
           Na Umbanda, até um branco pode virar num Preto-Velho. - In Umbanda, even a White may receive an Old Black.
           Ontem eu acordei virado no Jiraya - Yesterday I woke up super stressed (that is, inspired by the Japanese series Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya).
     12. v. (Brazil, colloquial, copulative, with preposition "em", chiefly of mental states) to strike, to stick, to infatuate
           Aquela mulher virou a cabeça dele. - That woman blew his mind.
           Ele ficou virado no amor. - He got stuck in love.

     1. n-m. shift (change of workers)

     1. n-m. rotation, turn (the act of turning around a centre or an axis)
           Ele fez um giro de 180 graus. - He has made a turnaround of a hundred and eighty degrees.
     2. adj. (Portugal, colloquial) pretty, beautiful
           O papel de parede é muito giro. - The wallpaper is very pretty.
           Sim, ela é gira. - Yes, she is pretty.
     3. v. verb form of girar
     4. v. verb form of gerir

     1. n-f. turn (change of direction or orientation)
     2. Participle. feminine singular of girado

     1. n-m. deadline (date on or before which something must be completed)
     2. n-m. expiration date
     3. n-m. a period of time

     1. v. to turn (to shape something on a lathe)

     1. n-f. turn (single loop of a coil)
     2. v. verb form of espirar

     1. v. to spoil, to damage, to corrupt, to ruin
           As chuvas estragaram a colheita. - The rains ruined the harvest.
     2. v. to botch, bungle
           Ele não estraga nada. - He doesn't screw anything up.
     3. v. to go bad (of foods and commodities)
           Estas laranjas estragaram-se. - These oranges have gone bad.

     1. to become
     2. to turn into

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