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The Portuguese word for to walk is

to walk

Portuguese Definition

     1. Substantivo. caminhada
     2. Verbo. andar, caminhar
           He walked fast to the other side of the street. (Ele andou depressa para o outro lado da rua.)

Translations for walk and their definitions

     1. n-f. walk, hike (trip made by walking)
           Eu dei uma caminhada. - I took a walk.
     2. Participle. feminine singular of caminhado

     1. v. to walk (to move on one’s feet)
           Estive andando o dia todo, procurando por você. - I’ve been walking all day, looking for you.
     2. v. (indtr, em, por, direct=1, qualdirect=somewhat formal) to walk (to travel through a given path)
           Já andei essa estrada mil vezes. - I’ve walked this road a thousand times.
     3. v. (indtr, de) to ride; to take; to travel by (to use a given mode of transportation)
           Ela está andando de ônibus para economizar tempo. - She’s traveling by bus to save time.
           Andamos de cavalo ontem. - We rode horses yesterday.
     4. v. (copulative) to habitually or continuously be in the given state
           Bons amigos sempre andam juntos. - Good friends are always together.
           Ele anda deprimido. - He has been depressed.
     5. v. (auxiliary) to have been (to habitually or continuously do something)
           Ele anda tentando consertar aquele carro. - He has been trying to fix that car.
     6. v. (indtr, por) to be around; to be to (to visit or be within a given area)
           Eu já andei pela França e Itália. - I’ve already been to France and Italy.
           Faz algum tempo que o xerife não anda por aqui. - It's been some time since the sheriff has been around here.
     7. v. (indtr, com, intr=1) to hurry up (with) (to do something more quickly)
           Anda! - Hurry up!
           Preciso de andar com o projeto. - I need to hurry up with the project.
     8. v. to proceed; to pass; to go on (to continue in action)
           Os meses andam e eu continuo nesta situação. - The months pass and I continue on this situation.
           Esta fila não anda. - This queue doesn’t move.
     9. v. to function; to work
           Há meses que o meu relógio não anda. - My clock hasn’t been working for months.
     10. n-m. floor, storey (level of a building)
     11. n-m. (Portugal) apartment, flat
     12. n-m. gait, walk (manner of walking)

     1. v. to walk (travel a distance by walking)

     1. v. to walk (take for a walk)
     2. v. to walk (go for a walk)
     3. v. to stroll, wander
     4. v. to travel in leisure, exploring a country or area

caminho ©
     1. n-m. path
     2. n-m. way, route
     3. n-m. (by extension) means
     4. v. verb form of caminhar

     1. n-f. step, gait (manner of walking)

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