andar |
1. v. to walk (to move on one’s feet) | |
Estive andando o dia todo, procurando por você. - I’ve been walking all day, looking for you. | |
2. v. (indtr, em, por, direct=1, qualdirect=somewhat formal) to walk (to travel through a given path) | |
Já andei essa estrada mil vezes. - I’ve walked this road a thousand times. | |
3. v. (indtr, de) to ride; to take; to travel by (to use a given mode of transportation) | |
Ela está andando de ônibus para economizar tempo. - She’s traveling by bus to save time. | |
Andamos de cavalo ontem. - We rode horses yesterday. | |
4. v. (copulative) to habitually or continuously be in the given state | |
Bons amigos sempre andam juntos. - Good friends are always together. | |
Ele anda deprimido. - He has been depressed. | |
5. v. (auxiliary) to have been (to habitually or continuously do something) | |
Ele anda tentando consertar aquele carro. - He has been trying to fix that car. | |
6. v. (indtr, por) to be around; to be to (to visit or be within a given area) | |
Eu já andei pela França e Itália. - I’ve already been to France and Italy. | |
Faz algum tempo que o xerife não anda por aqui. - It's been some time since the sheriff has been around here. | |
7. v. (indtr, com, intr=1) to hurry up (with) (to do something more quickly) | |
Anda! - Hurry up! | |
Preciso de andar com o projeto. - I need to hurry up with the project. | |
8. v. to proceed; to pass; to go on (to continue in action) | |
Os meses andam e eu continuo nesta situação. - The months pass and I continue on this situation. | |
Esta fila não anda. - This queue doesn’t move. | |
9. v. to function; to work | |
Há meses que o meu relógio não anda. - My clock hasn’t been working for months. | |
10. n-m. floor, storey (level of a building) | |
11. n-m. (Portugal) apartment, flat | |
12. n-m. gait, walk (manner of walking) | |