The Portuguese word for watch is

The gender of relógio is masculine. E.g. o relógio.Plural
The plural of relógio is relógios.Portuguese Definition
watch | |
1. (tu) vês | |
2. ver, assistir | |
3. relógio, relógio de pulso |
Translations for watch and their definitions
relógio | |
1. n-m. clock (instrument to measure or keep track of time) | |
2. n-m. watch |
ver | |
1. v. to see; to observe (to perceive with one’s eyes) | |
Vejo duas pessoas. - I see two people. | |
2. v. to see (to be able to see; not to be blind or blinded) | |
Abriram uma escola para os que não veem. - They've opened a school for those who cannot see. | |
3. v. (figurative, transitive) to see; to understand | |
Vê o que eu quero dizer? - Do you see what I mean? | |
4. v. to see; to notice; to realise (to come to a conclusion) | |
Eu vi que todas essas pessoas querem que eu vá embora. - I saw that all these people want me to go away. | |
5. v. to check (to verify some fact or condition) | |
Veja se o jantar já está pronto. - Check whether dinner is ready. | |
Fomos ver quando é que os meteorologistas previam que ia chover. - We went to check when the meteorologists predicted it was going to rain. | |
6. v. (indtr, com, intr=1) to check with (to consult someone for information) | |
Veja com a secretária se já enviaram o document. - Check with the secretary whether the document has been sent. | |
7. v. to watch (to be part of the audience of a visual performance or broadcast) | |
Fiquei a tarde inteira vendo TV. - I spent the whole afternoon watching TV. | |
8. v. to see; to visit | |
Ela veio me ver no hospital. - She came to see me at the hospital. | |
9. v. to pay (to face negative consequences) | |
Não acredito que mataram meu pai. Eles vão ver. - I can’t believe they killed my father. They’ll pay. | |
10. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun, copulative, or auxiliary with a verb in the gerund or past participle) to find oneself (to be in a given situation, especially unexpectedly) | |
Após meses gastando sem parar, João se viu enterrado em dívidas. - After months spending non-stop, John found himself buried in debt. | |
11. v. (indtr, para, -an indirect objective pronoun, .Brazil, .informal, ditr=1) to get used when ordering something from a waiter or attendant | |
Por favor, me vê 500g de queijo. - Please, see me 500 g of cheese. | |
Mandei o recepcionista ver um táxi para o meu pai. - I told the receptionist to get a cab for my dad. |
relógio de pulso | |
1. n-m. wristwatch |
assistir | |
1. v. to assist (to help, especially in a secondary role) | |
Enfermeiras devem assistir o médico. - Nurses must assist the doctor. | |
2. v. (indtr, a, direct=1, qualdirect=proscribed) to watch; to witness; to attend (to observe a broadcast, performance or event) | |
Assistimos o filme até o final. - We watched the film until the end. | |
Nem gosto mais de assistir TV. - I don’t even like to watch TV anymore. | |
Os alunos assistiram às aulas de português. - The students attended the Portuguese classes. | |
3. v. or also to assist (to help, especially in a secondary role) | |
Os padres assistiram ao (or o) enfermo. - The priests assisted the sick. | |
4. v. with preposition en; to live; to reside | |
Assistimos aqui em Guarulhos há tempo. - We live here in Guarulhos for a long time. | |
5. v. with clause subject; It's up to. | |
Assiste-lhes cumprir as tarefas. - It's up to you to complete the tasks. |
relógio de bolso | |
1. n-m. pocket watch (watch with a cover and chain) |
vigia | |
1. n-f. watch; lookout | |
2. n-f. watchtower | |
3. n-f. peephole | |
4. n. sentinel; lookout (referring to a person, a sentry or guard) | |
5. v. verb form of vigiar |
vigiar | |
1. v. to watch (to attend or guard) | |
2. v. to watch (to act as a lookout) | |
3. v. to observe something carefully |
observar | |
1. v. to observe, watch |
Guarda | |
Cidade da Guarda - City of Guarda | |
1. n. guard (person who who protects or watches over something or someone) | |
2. n. (informal) police officer | |
3. n-f. guard (squad responsible for protecting something or someone) | |
4. n-f. flyleaf (blank page at the front or back of a book) | |
5. v. verb form of guardar |
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