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The Russian word for father is



Russian Definition

     1. отец
     2. праотец, прародитель, предок
     3. создатель, основатель

Translations for father and their definitions

отец ©
     1. n. father
           крёстный оте́ц — godfather
           духо́вный оте́ц — confessor (see also духовник, исповедник)
           свято́й оте́ц — priest
           посажённый оте́ц — (at a wedding) proxy, sponsor
           отцов много, а мать одна́ (saying) — there are many fathers but only one mother
           не хвали́сь отцо́м, а хвали́сь сы́ном-молодцо́м (proverb) — don’t be proud of father, but take pride in a good son
           муж жене́ оте́ц, жена́ му́жу вене́ц (proverb) — a husband is a father to his wife, and the wife is a crown for him
     2. n. ancestor
           отцы́ на́ши э́того не знава́ли и нам не приказа́ли (saying) — our ancestors didn’t know of this and didn’t guide us.
     3. n. senior, superior, first of, chief
           Арара́т-гора́ — всем гора́м оте́ц — Mount Ararat is the father of mountains
     4. n. familiar term of address for an elderly man
     5. n. (colloquial) referring to a man who cares about sоmеbody or something like a father
           как родно́й оте́ц — like one’s own father
           Адам — оте́ц ро́да челове́ческого — Adam is the Father of man
           Сталин — отец народов — Stalin is the father of the nations
     6. n. (colloquial) founder, initiator of something
           Дарвин — отец тео́рии эволю́ции — Darwin is the founder of the theory of evolution
           оте́ц враче́бной нау́ки — father of medicine (about Hippocratus)
           отцы-основатели — Founding Fathers
     7. n. root, basis, source
           санскри́тский язы́к — оте́ц языко́в европе́йских — Sanskrit is a root of the Indo-European languages
           нужда́ оте́ц дога́дки (proverb) — (literally) need is the father of wit

     1. n. (also obsolete indeclinable papá) dad, daddy
     2. n. Roman Catholic pope
     3. n. (tech) male socket

     1. n. dad
     2. n. familiar term of address for an elderly man

     1. n. father, dad

     1. n. same as папа) dad
     2. n. familiar term of address for an (elderly) man



     1. n. father (parent)
           Как вас по ба́тюшке? (obsolete) — What is your patronymic?
     2. n. father (term of address for a priest)
           свя́ты)! or lang, ru, свя́ты)! (collоquial) — Good gracious! Goodness me!
     3. n. dear friend; old boy (respectful and affectionate term of address)

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