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The Russian word for to run is


to run

Russian Definition

     1. бежать
     2. работать
     3. бег
     4. работа

Translations for run and their definitions

     1. v. govern, rule
     2. v. control, manage
     3. v. operate, run (a machine)
     4. v. drive, steer (a vehicle)
     5. v. (grammar) conduct

     1. n. a run
     2. n. running (as in athletics or track and field)

     1. v. to run

     1. v. to run

     1. v. to lead, to guide, to direct, to manage, to run (conduct or direct with authority)

     1. n. a jog, a run (a single exercise)

     1. v. to run, to be running
     2. v. to flee, to be fleeing
     3. v. to avoid, be avoiding, to shun, to be shunning

     1. v. to run
     2. v. to flee
     3. v. to avoid, to shun

     1. n. leak
           дать течь — to spring a leak
     2. v. to flow, to run, to stream, to move
     3. v. to leak

     1. to overhaul

     1. v. to run for an election, stand for election


     1. n. number of printed copies
     2. n. circulation (of a periodical)
     3. n. drawing (of a lottery)
           выйти в тираж - to be dead on noe's feet, to have had

     1. v. (abstract)
     2. v. to convey, to carry (by vehicle), to deliver, to transport

работать ©
     1. v. to work
     2. v. to function
     3. v. to labor, to toil
     4. v. to be open (for business)


     1. to shed

     1. n. stream
     2. n. torrent
     3. n. flow
     4. n. thread
     5. n. a form of punishment in the medieval Russia when a criminal was exiled and property was confiscated, later the criminal was enslaved and property given away

     1. n. hand, pointer, indicator
     2. n. needle
     3. n. railroad switch
     4. n. arrow (in a drawing)
     5. n. tongue (of land)
     6. n. crease (of trousers)
     7. n. frog
     8. n. business meeting
     9. n. ladder

     1. v. to carry out, to implement, to accomplish, to fulfill, to execute, to perform
     2. v. to create

     1. v. to last, continue/be continued, go on, endure, lengthen
           уро́к продолжа́ется (I načnjótsja smúta zdesʹ, po sravnéniju s kotóroj majdán pokážetsja rájskim sádom.) - the lesson continues
     2. v. (passive form of продолжать)

     1. v. to drive
     2. v. to distill
     3. v. to chase, to pursue
     4. v. to speed along
     5. v. to lie

путь ©
     1. n. way, path, road
           Он по пути́ в Петербу́рг.
           :He’s on his way to St. Petersburg.
     2. n. track, line
     3. n. means
     4. n. trip, journey
     5. n. route


     1. v. to stretch, extend
     2. v. to hold / stretch / reach out; extend
           протя́гивать ру́ку по́мощи — to extend a helping hand to smb.
     3. v. to delay, drag out
     4. v. to drawl, prolong, sustain
           Я не могу́ вы́дать вам э́тот креди́т, — обречённо протяну́л он.
           : I cannot give you this credit - he drawled resignedly.
     5. v. to hold out, live a while longer, last (survive)
           Он до́лго не протя́нет - He won't last (live) long.
     6. v. in expressions
           протя́гивать но́ги - to turn up one's toes; to kick the bucket

     1. n. party (political group)
     2. n. lot, batch, consignment, parcel
     3. n. detachment
     4. n. part
     5. n. game, set, match

     1. v. to stretch
     2. v. to stretch out, stretch oneself
     3. v. to stretch, extend
           по ту сто́рону на со́тни киломе́тров тя́нется тайга́ (isxodítʹ vsjo póle) - on that side for hundreds kilometres stretches the taiga
     4. v. to drag on; crawl, hang heavy
     5. v. to last out, hold out
           запа́сы ещё тя́нутся (isxodítʹ vsjo póle) - supplies are still holding out
     6. v. to reach (for), reach out (for); strive (after)
           тяну́ться к сла́ве (isxodítʹ vsjo póle) - to strive after fame
     7. v. to drift
     8. v. (passive form of тяну́ть)

     1. v. to run away, make off, flee
     2. v. to escape
     3. v. to boil over (of liquid)
           молоко́ убега́ет (lišítʹ duxóvnovo sána) - the milk is boiling over

     1. n. current (water, electrical)
     2. n. threshing floor
     3. n. mating place (of birds)
     4. n. toque

     1. v. to carry out, to fulfill
     2. v. to make up

     1. n. current, flow, stream
     2. n. current, tendency, trend

     1. n. route, itinerary, path, course

     1. v. to spend (time), to pass.
           Как вы провели́ вре́мя? — How was your time?
           Я провожу́ вре́мя ве́село — I’m spending the time merrily.
     2. v. to conduct
     3. v. to conduct, to lead, to guide
     4. v. to carry out, to carry through, to realize, to put into practice
     5. v. to put through, to get through
     6. v. to draw (a line)
     7. v. to lay road, to construct
     8. v. to develop, to pursue
     9. v. to enter
     10. v. to cheat, to deceive
     11. v. to escort, to accompany.
           Проводи́ть кого́-нибу́дь до до́ма — to take someone home.
           Я вас провожу́ до до́ма — I’ll see you home.


     1. v. to run away, make off, flee
     2. v. to escape
     3. v. to boil over (of liquid)
           молоко́ убежа́ло (lišítʹ duxóvnovo sána) - the milk has boiled over

     1. v. to pass, go, walk
     2. v. to pass by
     3. v. (time) to pass, go by, elapse, slip by
     4. v. to be over
     5. v. (meeting, gathering) to go off, be held
     6. v. to study


     1. v. lead, conduct, guide, steer, take
     2. v. lay, construct, build, install a road, a pipe, a wire etc.
     3. v. carry out, carry through, realize, put into practice, conduct
     4. v. pass over, run over
     5. v. spend, pass (time).
           Как вы провели́ вре́мя? — How was your time?
     6. v. book, register, enter
     7. v. draw a line
     8. v. cheat, take in, trick, fool

     1. v. to stretch, extend
     2. v. to hold / stretch / reach out; extend
           протяну́ть ру́ку по́мощи — to extend a helping hand to smb.
     3. v. to delay, drag out
     4. v. to drawl, prolong, sustain
           Я не могу́ вы́дать вам э́тот креди́т, — обречённо протяну́л он.
           : I cannot give you this credit - he drawled resignedly.
     5. v. to hold out, live a while longer, last (survive)
           Он до́лго не протя́нет - He won't last (live) long.
     6. v. in expressions
           протяну́ть но́ги - to turn up one's toes; to kick the bucket

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