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Advanced Spanish Word of the Day



Spanish > English
     1. v. to emphasize, to highlight, to stress, to point out, to single out, to underline, to underscore, to bring out, to note
     2. v. (military, transitive) to detach troops
     3. v. to stand out, to excel, to shine (to make oneself stand out, to distinguish oneself)
     4. v. to stand out, to jump out at (+ a) (gloss, i.e., to be highly noticeable to)
     5. v. to be highlighted, emphasized, stressed, underlined, underscored, pointed out
Spanish > Spanish
     1. vt. Poner de relieve, resaltar, llamar la atención
           Uso: Se emplea también como pronominal
     2. vt. Separar del cuerpo principal de la tropa algunos efectivos, para realizar una misión
     3. vi. Sobresalir, descollar, distinguirse por una aptitud física o moral

Example Sentences

Quiero destacar ahora la labor y el trabajo del mío, del que me rodea. 

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