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Conjugation of the Spanish verb aparecer

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb aparecer, along with their English translations.

aparecerto appear

yo aparezcoI appear
tú aparecesyou appear
él aparecehe appears
ella apareceshe appears
nosotros aparecemoswe appear
vosotros aparecéisyou appear
ellos aparecenthey appear
ellas aparecenthey appear

yo aparecíaI was appearing
tú aparecíasyou were appearing
él aparecíahe was appearing
ella aparecíashe was appearing
nosotros aparecíamoswe were appearing
vosotros aparecíaisyou were appearing
ellos aparecíanthey were appearing
ellas aparecíanthey were appearing

yo aparecíI appeared
tú aparecisteyou appeared
él aparecióhe appeared
ella aparecióshe appeared
nosotros aparecimoswe appeared
vosotros aparecisteisyou appeared
ellos aparecieronthey appeared
ellas aparecieronthey appeared

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he aparecidoI have appeared
tú has aparecidoyou have appeared
él ha aparecidohe has appeared
ella ha aparecidoshe has appeared
nosotros hemos aparecidowe have appeared
vosotros habéis aparecidoyou have appeared
ellos han aparecidothey have appeared
ellas han aparecidothey have appeared

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había aparecidoI had appeared
tú habías aparecidoyou had appeared
él había aparecidohe had appeared
ella había aparecidoshe had appeared
nosotros habíamos aparecidowe had appeared
vosotros habíais aparecidoyou had appeared
ellos habían aparecidothey had appeared
ellas habían aparecidothey had appeared

yo apareceréI will appear
tú aparecerásyou will appear
él apareceráhe will appear
ella apareceráshe will appear
nosotros apareceremoswe will appear
vosotros apareceréisyou will appear
ellos apareceránthey will appear
ellas apareceránthey will appear

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré aparecidoI will have appeared
tú habrás aparecidoyou will have appeared
él habrá aparecidohe will have appeared
ella habrá aparecidoshe will have appeared
nosotros habremos aparecidowe will have appeared
vosotros habréis aparecidoyou will have appeared
ellos habrán aparecidothey will have appeared
ellas habrán aparecidothey will have appeared

yo apareceríaI would appear
tú apareceríasyou would appear
él apareceríahe would appear
ella apareceríashe would appear
nosotros apareceríamoswe would appear
vosotros apareceríaisyou would appear
ellos apareceríanthey would appear
ellas apareceríanthey would appear

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría aparecidoI would have appeared
tú habrías aparecidoyou would have appeared
él habría aparecidohe would have appeared
ella habría aparecidoshe would have appeared
nosotros habríamos aparecidowe would have appeared
vosotros habríais aparecidoyou would have appeared
ellos habrían aparecidothey would have appeared
ellas habrían aparecidothey would have appeared

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo aparezca(... that) I appear
(... que) tú aparezcas(... that) you appear
(... que) él aparezca(... that) he appears
(... que) ella aparezca(... that) she appears
(... que) nosotros aparezcamos(... that) we appear
(... que) vosotros aparezcáis(... that) you appear
(... que) ellos aparezcan(... that) they appear
(... que) ellas aparezcan(... that) they appear

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo apareciera(... that) I was appearing
(... que) tú aparecieras(... that) you were appearing
(... que) él apareciera(... that) he was appearing
(... que) ella apareciera(... that) she was appearing
(... que) nosotros apareciéramos(... that) we were appearing
(... que) vosotros aparecierais(... that) you were appearing
(... que) ellos aparecieran(... that) they were appearing
(... que) ellas aparecieran(... that) they were appearing

aparezcamosLet's appear

Present ParticipleScored
apareciendo appearing

Past ParticipleScored
aparecido appeared

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Irregular conjugation
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