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Conjugation of the Spanish verb caer

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb caer, along with their English translations.

caerto fall

yo caigoI fall
tú caesyou fall
él caehe falls
ella caeshe falls
nosotros caemoswe fall
vosotros caéisyou fall
ellos caenthey fall
ellas caenthey fall

yo caíaI was falling
tú caíasyou were falling
él caíahe was falling
ella caíashe was falling
nosotros caíamoswe were falling
vosotros caíaisyou were falling
ellos caíanthey were falling
ellas caíanthey were falling

yo caíI fell
tú caísteyou fell
él cayóhe fell
ella cayóshe fell
nosotros caímoswe fell
vosotros caísteisyou fell
ellos cayeronthey fell
ellas cayeronthey fell

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he caídoI have fallen
tú has caídoyou have fallen
él ha caídohe has fallen
ella ha caídoshe has fallen
nosotros hemos caídowe have fallen
vosotros habéis caídoyou have fallen
ellos han caídothey have fallen
ellas han caídothey have fallen

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había caídoI had fallen
tú habías caídoyou had fallen
él había caídohe had fallen
ella había caídoshe had fallen
nosotros habíamos caídowe had fallen
vosotros habíais caídoyou had fallen
ellos habían caídothey had fallen
ellas habían caídothey had fallen

yo caeréI will fall
tú caerásyou will fall
él caeráhe will fall
ella caeráshe will fall
nosotros caeremoswe will fall
vosotros caeréisyou will fall
ellos caeránthey will fall
ellas caeránthey will fall

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré caídoI will have fallen
tú habrás caídoyou will have fallen
él habrá caídohe will have fallen
ella habrá caídoshe will have fallen
nosotros habremos caídowe will have fallen
vosotros habréis caídoyou will have fallen
ellos habrán caídothey will have fallen
ellas habrán caídothey will have fallen

yo caeríaI would fall
tú caeríasyou would fall
él caeríahe would fall
ella caeríashe would fall
nosotros caeríamoswe would fall
vosotros caeríaisyou would fall
ellos caeríanthey would fall
ellas caeríanthey would fall

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría caídoI would have fallen
tú habrías caídoyou would have fallen
él habría caídohe would have fallen
ella habría caídoshe would have fallen
nosotros habríamos caídowe would have fallen
vosotros habríais caídoyou would have fallen
ellos habrían caídothey would have fallen
ellas habrían caídothey would have fallen

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo caiga(... that) I fall
(... que) tú caigas(... that) you fall
(... que) él caiga(... that) he falls
(... que) ella caiga(... that) she falls
(... que) nosotros caigamos(... that) we fall
(... que) vosotros caigáis(... that) you fall
(... que) ellos caigan(... that) they fall
(... que) ellas caigan(... that) they fall

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo cayera(... that) I was falling
(... que) tú cayeras(... that) you were falling
(... que) él cayera(... that) he was falling
(... que) ella cayera(... that) she was falling
(... que) nosotros cayéramos(... that) we were falling
(... que) vosotros cayerais(... that) you were falling
(... que) ellos cayeran(... that) they were falling
(... que) ellas cayeran(... that) they were falling

caigamosLet's fall

Present ParticipleScored
cayendo falling

Past ParticipleScored
caído fallen

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