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Conjugation of the Spanish verb cambiar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb cambiar, along with their English translations.

cambiarto change

yo cambioI change
tú cambiasyou change
él cambiahe changes
ella cambiashe changes
nosotros cambiamoswe change
vosotros cambiáisyou change
ellos cambianthey change
ellas cambianthey change

yo cambiabaI was changing
tú cambiabasyou were changing
él cambiabahe was changing
ella cambiabashe was changing
nosotros cambiábamoswe were changing
vosotros cambiabaisyou were changing
ellos cambiabanthey were changing
ellas cambiabanthey were changing

yo cambiéI changed
tú cambiasteyou changed
él cambióhe changed
ella cambióshe changed
nosotros cambiamoswe changed
vosotros cambiasteisyou changed
ellos cambiaronthey changed
ellas cambiaronthey changed

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he cambiadoI have changed
tú has cambiadoyou have changed
él ha cambiadohe has changed
ella ha cambiadoshe has changed
nosotros hemos cambiadowe have changed
vosotros habéis cambiadoyou have changed
ellos han cambiadothey have changed
ellas han cambiadothey have changed

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había cambiadoI had changed
tú habías cambiadoyou had changed
él había cambiadohe had changed
ella había cambiadoshe had changed
nosotros habíamos cambiadowe had changed
vosotros habíais cambiadoyou had changed
ellos habían cambiadothey had changed
ellas habían cambiadothey had changed

yo cambiaréI will change
tú cambiarásyou will change
él cambiaráhe will change
ella cambiaráshe will change
nosotros cambiaremoswe will change
vosotros cambiaréisyou will change
ellos cambiaránthey will change
ellas cambiaránthey will change

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré cambiadoI will have changed
tú habrás cambiadoyou will have changed
él habrá cambiadohe will have changed
ella habrá cambiadoshe will have changed
nosotros habremos cambiadowe will have changed
vosotros habréis cambiadoyou will have changed
ellos habrán cambiadothey will have changed
ellas habrán cambiadothey will have changed

yo cambiaríaI would change
tú cambiaríasyou would change
él cambiaríahe would change
ella cambiaríashe would change
nosotros cambiaríamoswe would change
vosotros cambiaríaisyou would change
ellos cambiaríanthey would change
ellas cambiaríanthey would change

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría cambiadoI would have changed
tú habrías cambiadoyou would have changed
él habría cambiadohe would have changed
ella habría cambiadoshe would have changed
nosotros habríamos cambiadowe would have changed
vosotros habríais cambiadoyou would have changed
ellos habrían cambiadothey would have changed
ellas habrían cambiadothey would have changed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo cambie(... that) I change
(... que) tú cambies(... that) you change
(... que) él cambie(... that) he changes
(... que) ella cambie(... that) she changes
(... que) nosotros cambiemos(... that) we change
(... que) vosotros cambiéis(... that) you change
(... que) ellos cambien(... that) they change
(... que) ellas cambien(... that) they change

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo cambiara(... that) I was changing
(... que) tú cambiaras(... that) you were changing
(... que) él cambiara(... that) he was changing
(... que) ella cambiara(... that) she was changing
(... que) nosotros cambiáramos(... that) we were changing
(... que) vosotros cambiarais(... that) you were changing
(... que) ellos cambiaran(... that) they were changing
(... que) ellas cambiaran(... that) they were changing

cambia Change
cambiemosLet's change
cambien Change

Present ParticipleScored
cambiando changing

Past ParticipleScored
cambiado changed

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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