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Conjugation of the Spanish verb caminar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb caminar, along with their English translations.

caminarto walk

yo caminoI walk
tú caminasyou walk
él caminahe walks
ella caminashe walks
nosotros caminamoswe walk
vosotros camináisyou walk
ellos caminanthey walk
ellas caminanthey walk

yo caminabaI was walking
tú caminabasyou were walking
él caminabahe was walking
ella caminabashe was walking
nosotros caminábamoswe were walking
vosotros caminabaisyou were walking
ellos caminabanthey were walking
ellas caminabanthey were walking

yo caminéI walked
tú caminasteyou walked
él caminóhe walked
ella caminóshe walked
nosotros caminamoswe walked
vosotros caminasteisyou walked
ellos caminaronthey walked
ellas caminaronthey walked

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he caminadoI have walked
tú has caminadoyou have walked
él ha caminadohe has walked
ella ha caminadoshe has walked
nosotros hemos caminadowe have walked
vosotros habéis caminadoyou have walked
ellos han caminadothey have walked
ellas han caminadothey have walked

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había caminadoI had walked
tú habías caminadoyou had walked
él había caminadohe had walked
ella había caminadoshe had walked
nosotros habíamos caminadowe had walked
vosotros habíais caminadoyou had walked
ellos habían caminadothey had walked
ellas habían caminadothey had walked

yo caminaréI will walk
tú caminarásyou will walk
él caminaráhe will walk
ella caminaráshe will walk
nosotros caminaremoswe will walk
vosotros caminaréisyou will walk
ellos caminaránthey will walk
ellas caminaránthey will walk

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré caminadoI will have walked
tú habrás caminadoyou will have walked
él habrá caminadohe will have walked
ella habrá caminadoshe will have walked
nosotros habremos caminadowe will have walked
vosotros habréis caminadoyou will have walked
ellos habrán caminadothey will have walked
ellas habrán caminadothey will have walked

yo caminaríaI would walk
tú caminaríasyou would walk
él caminaríahe would walk
ella caminaríashe would walk
nosotros caminaríamoswe would walk
vosotros caminaríaisyou would walk
ellos caminaríanthey would walk
ellas caminaríanthey would walk

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría caminadoI would have walked
tú habrías caminadoyou would have walked
él habría caminadohe would have walked
ella habría caminadoshe would have walked
nosotros habríamos caminadowe would have walked
vosotros habríais caminadoyou would have walked
ellos habrían caminadothey would have walked
ellas habrían caminadothey would have walked

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo camine(... that) I walk
(... que) tú camines(... that) you walk
(... que) él camine(... that) he walks
(... que) ella camine(... that) she walks
(... que) nosotros caminemos(... that) we walk
(... que) vosotros caminéis(... that) you walk
(... que) ellos caminen(... that) they walk
(... que) ellas caminen(... that) they walk

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo caminara(... that) I was walking
(... que) tú caminaras(... that) you were walking
(... que) él caminara(... that) he was walking
(... que) ella caminara(... that) she was walking
(... que) nosotros camináramos(... that) we were walking
(... que) vosotros caminarais(... that) you were walking
(... que) ellos caminaran(... that) they were walking
(... que) ellas caminaran(... that) they were walking

camina Walk
caminemosLet's walk
caminen Walk

Present ParticipleScored
caminando walking

Past ParticipleScored
caminado walked

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Irregular conjugation
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