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Conjugation of the Spanish verb decir

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb decir, along with their English translations.

decirto say

yo digoI say
tú dicesyou say
él dicehe says
ella diceshe says
nosotros decimoswe say
vosotros decísyou say
ellos dicenthey say
ellas dicenthey say

yo decíaI was saying
tú decíasyou were saying
él decíahe was saying
ella decíashe was saying
nosotros decíamoswe were saying
vosotros decíaisyou were saying
ellos decíanthey were saying
ellas decíanthey were saying

yo dijeI said
tú dijisteyou said
él dijohe said
ella dijoshe said
nosotros dijimoswe said
vosotros dijisteisyou said
ellos dijeronthey said
ellas dijeronthey said

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he dichoI have said
tú has dichoyou have said
él ha dichohe has said
ella ha dichoshe has said
nosotros hemos dichowe have said
vosotros habéis dichoyou have said
ellos han dichothey have said
ellas han dichothey have said

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había dichoI had said
tú habías dichoyou had said
él había dichohe had said
ella había dichoshe had said
nosotros habíamos dichowe had said
vosotros habíais dichoyou had said
ellos habían dichothey had said
ellas habían dichothey had said

yo diréI will say
tú dirásyou will say
él diráhe will say
ella diráshe will say
nosotros diremoswe will say
vosotros diréisyou will say
ellos diránthey will say
ellas diránthey will say

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré dichoI will have said
tú habrás dichoyou will have said
él habrá dichohe will have said
ella habrá dichoshe will have said
nosotros habremos dichowe will have said
vosotros habréis dichoyou will have said
ellos habrán dichothey will have said
ellas habrán dichothey will have said

yo diríaI would say
tú diríasyou would say
él diríahe would say
ella diríashe would say
nosotros diríamoswe would say
vosotros diríaisyou would say
ellos diríanthey would say
ellas diríanthey would say

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría dichoI would have said
tú habrías dichoyou would have said
él habría dichohe would have said
ella habría dichoshe would have said
nosotros habríamos dichowe would have said
vosotros habríais dichoyou would have said
ellos habrían dichothey would have said
ellas habrían dichothey would have said

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo diga(... that) I say
(... que) tú digas(... that) you say
(... que) él diga(... that) he says
(... que) ella diga(... that) she says
(... que) nosotros digamos(... that) we say
(... que) vosotros digáis(... that) you say
(... que) ellos digan(... that) they say
(... que) ellas digan(... that) they say

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo dijera(... that) I was saying
(... que) tú dijeras(... that) you were saying
(... que) él dijera(... that) he was saying
(... que) ella dijera(... that) she was saying
(... que) nosotros dijéramos(... that) we were saying
(... que) vosotros dijerais(... that) you were saying
(... que) ellos dijeran(... that) they were saying
(... que) ellas dijeran(... that) they were saying

digamosLet's say

Present ParticipleScored
diciendo saying

Past ParticipleScored
dicho said

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