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Conjugation of the Spanish verb dormir

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb dormir, along with their English translations.

dormirto sleep

yo duermoI sleep
tú duermesyou sleep
él duermehe sleeps
ella duermeshe sleeps
nosotros dormimoswe sleep
vosotros dormísyou sleep
ellos duermenthey sleep
ellas duermenthey sleep

yo dormíaI was sleeping
tú dormíasyou were sleeping
él dormíahe was sleeping
ella dormíashe was sleeping
nosotros dormíamoswe were sleeping
vosotros dormíaisyou were sleeping
ellos dormíanthey were sleeping
ellas dormíanthey were sleeping

yo dormíI slept
tú dormisteyou slept
él durmióhe slept
ella durmióshe slept
nosotros dormimoswe slept
vosotros dormisteisyou slept
ellos durmieronthey slept
ellas durmieronthey slept

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he dormidoI have slept
tú has dormidoyou have slept
él ha dormidohe has slept
ella ha dormidoshe has slept
nosotros hemos dormidowe have slept
vosotros habéis dormidoyou have slept
ellos han dormidothey have slept
ellas han dormidothey have slept

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había dormidoI had slept
tú habías dormidoyou had slept
él había dormidohe had slept
ella había dormidoshe had slept
nosotros habíamos dormidowe had slept
vosotros habíais dormidoyou had slept
ellos habían dormidothey had slept
ellas habían dormidothey had slept

yo dormiréI will sleep
tú dormirásyou will sleep
él dormiráhe will sleep
ella dormiráshe will sleep
nosotros dormiremoswe will sleep
vosotros dormiréisyou will sleep
ellos dormiránthey will sleep
ellas dormiránthey will sleep

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré dormidoI will have slept
tú habrás dormidoyou will have slept
él habrá dormidohe will have slept
ella habrá dormidoshe will have slept
nosotros habremos dormidowe will have slept
vosotros habréis dormidoyou will have slept
ellos habrán dormidothey will have slept
ellas habrán dormidothey will have slept

yo dormiríaI would sleep
tú dormiríasyou would sleep
él dormiríahe would sleep
ella dormiríashe would sleep
nosotros dormiríamoswe would sleep
vosotros dormiríaisyou would sleep
ellos dormiríanthey would sleep
ellas dormiríanthey would sleep

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría dormidoI would have slept
tú habrías dormidoyou would have slept
él habría dormidohe would have slept
ella habría dormidoshe would have slept
nosotros habríamos dormidowe would have slept
vosotros habríais dormidoyou would have slept
ellos habrían dormidothey would have slept
ellas habrían dormidothey would have slept

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo duerma(... that) I sleep
(... que) tú duermas(... that) you sleep
(... que) él duerma(... that) he sleeps
(... que) ella duerma(... that) she sleeps
(... que) nosotros durmamos(... that) we sleep
(... que) vosotros durmáis(... that) you sleep
(... que) ellos duerman(... that) they sleep
(... que) ellas duerman(... that) they sleep

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo durmiera(... that) I was sleeping
(... que) tú durmieras(... that) you were sleeping
(... que) él durmiera(... that) he was sleeping
(... que) ella durmiera(... that) she was sleeping
(... que) nosotros durmiéramos(... that) we were sleeping
(... que) vosotros durmierais(... that) you were sleeping
(... que) ellos durmieran(... that) they were sleeping
(... que) ellas durmieran(... that) they were sleeping

durmamosLet's sleep

Present ParticipleScored
durmiendo sleeping

Past ParticipleScored
dormido slept

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