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Conjugation of the Spanish verb entrar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb entrar, along with their English translations.

entrarto enter

yo entroI enter
tú entrasyou enter
él entrahe enters
ella entrashe enters
nosotros entramoswe enter
vosotros entráisyou enter
ellos entranthey enter
ellas entranthey enter

yo entrabaI was entering
tú entrabasyou were entering
él entrabahe was entering
ella entrabashe was entering
nosotros entrábamoswe were entering
vosotros entrabaisyou were entering
ellos entrabanthey were entering
ellas entrabanthey were entering

yo entréI entered
tú entrasteyou entered
él entróhe entered
ella entróshe entered
nosotros entramoswe entered
vosotros entrasteisyou entered
ellos entraronthey entered
ellas entraronthey entered

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he entradoI have entered
tú has entradoyou have entered
él ha entradohe has entered
ella ha entradoshe has entered
nosotros hemos entradowe have entered
vosotros habéis entradoyou have entered
ellos han entradothey have entered
ellas han entradothey have entered

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había entradoI had entered
tú habías entradoyou had entered
él había entradohe had entered
ella había entradoshe had entered
nosotros habíamos entradowe had entered
vosotros habíais entradoyou had entered
ellos habían entradothey had entered
ellas habían entradothey had entered

yo entraréI will enter
tú entrarásyou will enter
él entraráhe will enter
ella entraráshe will enter
nosotros entraremoswe will enter
vosotros entraréisyou will enter
ellos entraránthey will enter
ellas entraránthey will enter

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré entradoI will have entered
tú habrás entradoyou will have entered
él habrá entradohe will have entered
ella habrá entradoshe will have entered
nosotros habremos entradowe will have entered
vosotros habréis entradoyou will have entered
ellos habrán entradothey will have entered
ellas habrán entradothey will have entered

yo entraríaI would enter
tú entraríasyou would enter
él entraríahe would enter
ella entraríashe would enter
nosotros entraríamoswe would enter
vosotros entraríaisyou would enter
ellos entraríanthey would enter
ellas entraríanthey would enter

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría entradoI would have entered
tú habrías entradoyou would have entered
él habría entradohe would have entered
ella habría entradoshe would have entered
nosotros habríamos entradowe would have entered
vosotros habríais entradoyou would have entered
ellos habrían entradothey would have entered
ellas habrían entradothey would have entered

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo entre(... that) I enter
(... que) tú entres(... that) you enter
(... que) él entre(... that) he enters
(... que) ella entre(... that) she enters
(... que) nosotros entremos(... that) we enter
(... que) vosotros entréis(... that) you enter
(... que) ellos entren(... that) they enter
(... que) ellas entren(... that) they enter

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo entrara(... that) I was entering
(... que) tú entraras(... that) you were entering
(... que) él entrara(... that) he was entering
(... que) ella entrara(... that) she was entering
(... que) nosotros entráramos(... that) we were entering
(... que) vosotros entrarais(... that) you were entering
(... que) ellos entraran(... that) they were entering
(... que) ellas entraran(... that) they were entering

entra Enter
entremosLet's enter
entren Enter

Present ParticipleScored
entrando entering

Past ParticipleScored
entrado entered

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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