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Conjugation of the Spanish verb haber

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb haber, along with their English translations.

haberto have

yo heI have
tú hasyou have
él hahe has
ella hashe has
nosotros hemoswe have
vosotros habéisyou have
ellos hanthey have
ellas hanthey have

yo habíaI was having
tú habíasyou were having
él habíahe was having
ella habíashe was having
nosotros habíamoswe were having
vosotros habíaisyou were having
ellos habíanthey were having
ellas habíanthey were having

yo hubeI had
tú hubisteyou had
él hubohe had
ella huboshe had
nosotros hubimoswe had
vosotros hubisteisyou had
ellos hubieronthey had
ellas hubieronthey had

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he habidoI have had
tú has habidoyou have had
él ha habidohe has had
ella ha habidoshe has had
nosotros hemos habidowe have had
vosotros habéis habidoyou have had
ellos han habidothey have had
ellas han habidothey have had

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había habidoI had had
tú habías habidoyou had had
él había habidohe had had
ella había habidoshe had had
nosotros habíamos habidowe had had
vosotros habíais habidoyou had had
ellos habían habidothey had had
ellas habían habidothey had had

yo habréI will have
tú habrásyou will have
él habráhe will have
ella habráshe will have
nosotros habremoswe will have
vosotros habréisyou will have
ellos habránthey will have
ellas habránthey will have

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré habidoI will have had
tú habrás habidoyou will have had
él habrá habidohe will have had
ella habrá habidoshe will have had
nosotros habremos habidowe will have had
vosotros habréis habidoyou will have had
ellos habrán habidothey will have had
ellas habrán habidothey will have had

yo habríaI would have
tú habríasyou would have
él habríahe would have
ella habríashe would have
nosotros habríamoswe would have
vosotros habríaisyou would have
ellos habríanthey would have
ellas habríanthey would have

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría habidoI would have had
tú habrías habidoyou would have had
él habría habidohe would have had
ella habría habidoshe would have had
nosotros habríamos habidowe would have had
vosotros habríais habidoyou would have had
ellos habrían habidothey would have had
ellas habrían habidothey would have had

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo haya(... that) I have
(... que) tú hayas(... that) you have
(... que) él haya(... that) he has
(... que) ella haya(... that) she has
(... que) nosotros hayamos(... that) we have
(... que) vosotros hayáis(... that) you have
(... que) ellos hayan(... that) they have
(... que) ellas hayan(... that) they have

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo hubiera(... that) I was having
(... que) tú hubieras(... that) you were having
(... que) él hubiera(... that) he was having
(... que) ella hubiera(... that) she was having
(... que) nosotros hubiéramos(... that) we were having
(... que) vosotros hubierais(... that) you were having
(... que) ellos hubieran(... that) they were having
(... que) ellas hubieran(... that) they were having

Present ParticipleScored
habiendo having

Past ParticipleScored
habido had

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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