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Conjugation of the Spanish verb levantarse

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb levantarse, along with their English translations.

levantarseto stand

yo me levantoI stand
tú te levantasyou stand
él se levantahe stands
ella se levantashe stands
nosotros nos levantamoswe stand
vosotros os levantáisyou stand
ellos se levantanthey stand
ellas se levantanthey stand

yo me levantabaI was standing
tú te levantabasyou were standing
él se levantabahe was standing
ella se levantabashe was standing
nosotros nos levantábamoswe were standing
vosotros os levantabaisyou were standing
ellos se levantabanthey were standing
ellas se levantabanthey were standing

yo me levantéI stood
tú te levantasteyou stood
él se levantóhe stood
ella se levantóshe stood
nosotros nos levantamoswe stood
vosotros os levantasteisyou stood
ellos se levantaronthey stood
ellas se levantaronthey stood

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo me he levantadoI have stood
tú te has levantadoyou have stood
él se ha levantadohe has stood
ella se ha levantadoshe has stood
nosotros nos hemos levantadowe have stood
vosotros os habéis levantadoyou have stood
ellos se han levantadothey have stood
ellas se han levantadothey have stood

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo me había levantadoI had stood
tú te habías levantadoyou had stood
él se había levantadohe had stood
ella se había levantadoshe had stood
nosotros nos habíamos levantadowe had stood
vosotros os habíais levantadoyou had stood
ellos se habían levantadothey had stood
ellas se habían levantadothey had stood

yo me levantaréI will stand
tú te levantarásyou will stand
él se levantaráhe will stand
ella se levantaráshe will stand
nosotros nos levantaremoswe will stand
vosotros os levantaréisyou will stand
ellos se levantaránthey will stand
ellas se levantaránthey will stand

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo me habré levantadoI will have stood
tú te habrás levantadoyou will have stood
él se habrá levantadohe will have stood
ella se habrá levantadoshe will have stood
nosotros nos habremos levantadowe will have stood
vosotros os habréis levantadoyou will have stood
ellos se habrán levantadothey will have stood
ellas se habrán levantadothey will have stood

yo me levantaríaI would stand
tú te levantaríasyou would stand
él se levantaríahe would stand
ella se levantaríashe would stand
nosotros nos levantaríamoswe would stand
vosotros os levantaríaisyou would stand
ellos se levantaríanthey would stand
ellas se levantaríanthey would stand

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo me habría levantadoI would have stood
tú te habrías levantadoyou would have stood
él se habría levantadohe would have stood
ella se habría levantadoshe would have stood
nosotros nos habríamos levantadowe would have stood
vosotros os habríais levantadoyou would have stood
ellos se habrían levantadothey would have stood
ellas se habrían levantadothey would have stood

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo me levante(... that) I stand
(... que) tú te levantes(... that) you stand
(... que) él se levante(... that) he stands
(... que) ella se levante(... that) she stands
(... que) nosotros nos levantemos(... that) we stand
(... que) vosotros os levantéis(... that) you stand
(... que) ellos se levanten(... that) they stand
(... que) ellas se levanten(... that) they stand

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo me levantara(... that) I was standing
(... que) tú te levantaras(... that) you were standing
(... que) él se levantara(... that) he was standing
(... que) ella se levantara(... that) she was standing
(... que) nosotros nos levantáramos(... that) we were standing
(... que) vosotros os levantarais(... that) you were standing
(... que) ellos se levantaran(... that) they were standing
(... que) ellas se levantaran(... that) they were standing

levanta Stand
levantémonosLet's stand
levanten Stand

Present ParticipleScored
levantándose standing

Past ParticipleScored
levantado stood

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