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Conjugation of the Spanish verb matar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb matar, along with their English translations.

matarto kill

yo matoI kill
tú matasyou kill
él matahe kills
ella matashe kills
nosotros matamoswe kill
vosotros matáisyou kill
ellos matanthey kill
ellas matanthey kill

yo matabaI was killing
tú matabasyou were killing
él matabahe was killing
ella matabashe was killing
nosotros matábamoswe were killing
vosotros matabaisyou were killing
ellos matabanthey were killing
ellas matabanthey were killing

yo matéI killed
tú matasteyou killed
él matóhe killed
ella matóshe killed
nosotros matamoswe killed
vosotros matasteisyou killed
ellos mataronthey killed
ellas mataronthey killed

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he matadoI have killed
tú has matadoyou have killed
él ha matadohe has killed
ella ha matadoshe has killed
nosotros hemos matadowe have killed
vosotros habéis matadoyou have killed
ellos han matadothey have killed
ellas han matadothey have killed

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había matadoI had killed
tú habías matadoyou had killed
él había matadohe had killed
ella había matadoshe had killed
nosotros habíamos matadowe had killed
vosotros habíais matadoyou had killed
ellos habían matadothey had killed
ellas habían matadothey had killed

yo mataréI will kill
tú matarásyou will kill
él mataráhe will kill
ella mataráshe will kill
nosotros mataremoswe will kill
vosotros mataréisyou will kill
ellos mataránthey will kill
ellas mataránthey will kill

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré matadoI will have killed
tú habrás matadoyou will have killed
él habrá matadohe will have killed
ella habrá matadoshe will have killed
nosotros habremos matadowe will have killed
vosotros habréis matadoyou will have killed
ellos habrán matadothey will have killed
ellas habrán matadothey will have killed

yo mataríaI would kill
tú mataríasyou would kill
él mataríahe would kill
ella mataríashe would kill
nosotros mataríamoswe would kill
vosotros mataríaisyou would kill
ellos mataríanthey would kill
ellas mataríanthey would kill

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría matadoI would have killed
tú habrías matadoyou would have killed
él habría matadohe would have killed
ella habría matadoshe would have killed
nosotros habríamos matadowe would have killed
vosotros habríais matadoyou would have killed
ellos habrían matadothey would have killed
ellas habrían matadothey would have killed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo mate(... that) I kill
(... que) tú mates(... that) you kill
(... que) él mate(... that) he kills
(... que) ella mate(... that) she kills
(... que) nosotros matemos(... that) we kill
(... que) vosotros matéis(... that) you kill
(... que) ellos maten(... that) they kill
(... que) ellas maten(... that) they kill

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo matara(... that) I was killing
(... que) tú mataras(... that) you were killing
(... que) él matara(... that) he was killing
(... que) ella matara(... that) she was killing
(... que) nosotros matáramos(... that) we were killing
(... que) vosotros matarais(... that) you were killing
(... que) ellos mataran(... that) they were killing
(... que) ellas mataran(... that) they were killing

mata Kill
matemosLet's kill
maten Kill

Present ParticipleScored
matando killing

Past ParticipleScored
matado killed

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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