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Conjugation of the Spanish verb morir

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb morir, along with their English translations.

morirto die

yo mueroI die
tú mueresyou die
él muerehe dies
ella muereshe dies
nosotros morimoswe die
vosotros morísyou die
ellos muerenthey die
ellas muerenthey die

yo moríaI was dying
tú moríasyou were dying
él moríahe was dying
ella moríashe was dying
nosotros moríamoswe were dying
vosotros moríaisyou were dying
ellos moríanthey were dying
ellas moríanthey were dying

yo moríI died
tú moristeyou died
él murióhe died
ella murióshe died
nosotros morimoswe died
vosotros moristeisyou died
ellos murieronthey died
ellas murieronthey died

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he muertoI have died
tú has muertoyou have died
él ha muertohe has died
ella ha muertoshe has died
nosotros hemos muertowe have died
vosotros habéis muertoyou have died
ellos han muertothey have died
ellas han muertothey have died

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había muertoI had died
tú habías muertoyou had died
él había muertohe had died
ella había muertoshe had died
nosotros habíamos muertowe had died
vosotros habíais muertoyou had died
ellos habían muertothey had died
ellas habían muertothey had died

yo moriréI will die
tú morirásyou will die
él moriráhe will die
ella moriráshe will die
nosotros moriremoswe will die
vosotros moriréisyou will die
ellos moriránthey will die
ellas moriránthey will die

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré muertoI will have died
tú habrás muertoyou will have died
él habrá muertohe will have died
ella habrá muertoshe will have died
nosotros habremos muertowe will have died
vosotros habréis muertoyou will have died
ellos habrán muertothey will have died
ellas habrán muertothey will have died

yo moriríaI would die
tú moriríasyou would die
él moriríahe would die
ella moriríashe would die
nosotros moriríamoswe would die
vosotros moriríaisyou would die
ellos moriríanthey would die
ellas moriríanthey would die

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría muertoI would have died
tú habrías muertoyou would have died
él habría muertohe would have died
ella habría muertoshe would have died
nosotros habríamos muertowe would have died
vosotros habríais muertoyou would have died
ellos habrían muertothey would have died
ellas habrían muertothey would have died

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo muera(... that) I die
(... que) tú mueras(... that) you die
(... que) él muera(... that) he dies
(... que) ella muera(... that) she dies
(... que) nosotros muramos(... that) we die
(... que) vosotros muráis(... that) you die
(... que) ellos mueran(... that) they die
(... que) ellas mueran(... that) they die

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo muriera(... that) I was dying
(... que) tú murieras(... that) you were dying
(... que) él muriera(... that) he was dying
(... que) ella muriera(... that) she was dying
(... que) nosotros muriéramos(... that) we were dying
(... que) vosotros murierais(... that) you were dying
(... que) ellos murieran(... that) they were dying
(... que) ellas murieran(... that) they were dying

muramosLet's die

Present ParticipleScored
muriendo dying

Past ParticipleScored
muerto died

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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