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Conjugation of the Spanish verb odiar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb odiar, along with their English translations.

odiarto hate

yo odioI hate
tú odiasyou hate
él odiahe hates
ella odiashe hates
nosotros odiamoswe hate
vosotros odiáisyou hate
ellos odianthey hate
ellas odianthey hate

yo odiabaI was hating
tú odiabasyou were hating
él odiabahe was hating
ella odiabashe was hating
nosotros odiábamoswe were hating
vosotros odiabaisyou were hating
ellos odiabanthey were hating
ellas odiabanthey were hating

yo odiéI hated
tú odiasteyou hated
él odióhe hated
ella odióshe hated
nosotros odiamoswe hated
vosotros odiasteisyou hated
ellos odiaronthey hated
ellas odiaronthey hated

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he odiadoI have hated
tú has odiadoyou have hated
él ha odiadohe has hated
ella ha odiadoshe has hated
nosotros hemos odiadowe have hated
vosotros habéis odiadoyou have hated
ellos han odiadothey have hated
ellas han odiadothey have hated

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había odiadoI had hated
tú habías odiadoyou had hated
él había odiadohe had hated
ella había odiadoshe had hated
nosotros habíamos odiadowe had hated
vosotros habíais odiadoyou had hated
ellos habían odiadothey had hated
ellas habían odiadothey had hated

yo odiaréI will hate
tú odiarásyou will hate
él odiaráhe will hate
ella odiaráshe will hate
nosotros odiaremoswe will hate
vosotros odiaréisyou will hate
ellos odiaránthey will hate
ellas odiaránthey will hate

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré odiadoI will have hated
tú habrás odiadoyou will have hated
él habrá odiadohe will have hated
ella habrá odiadoshe will have hated
nosotros habremos odiadowe will have hated
vosotros habréis odiadoyou will have hated
ellos habrán odiadothey will have hated
ellas habrán odiadothey will have hated

yo odiaríaI would hate
tú odiaríasyou would hate
él odiaríahe would hate
ella odiaríashe would hate
nosotros odiaríamoswe would hate
vosotros odiaríaisyou would hate
ellos odiaríanthey would hate
ellas odiaríanthey would hate

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría odiadoI would have hated
tú habrías odiadoyou would have hated
él habría odiadohe would have hated
ella habría odiadoshe would have hated
nosotros habríamos odiadowe would have hated
vosotros habríais odiadoyou would have hated
ellos habrían odiadothey would have hated
ellas habrían odiadothey would have hated

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo odie(... that) I hate
(... que) tú odies(... that) you hate
(... que) él odie(... that) he hates
(... que) ella odie(... that) she hates
(... que) nosotros odiemos(... that) we hate
(... que) vosotros odiéis(... that) you hate
(... que) ellos odien(... that) they hate
(... que) ellas odien(... that) they hate

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo odiara(... that) I was hating
(... que) tú odiaras(... that) you were hating
(... que) él odiara(... that) he was hating
(... que) ella odiara(... that) she was hating
(... que) nosotros odiáramos(... that) we were hating
(... que) vosotros odiarais(... that) you were hating
(... que) ellos odiaran(... that) they were hating
(... que) ellas odiaran(... that) they were hating

odia Hate
odiemosLet's hate
odien Hate

Present ParticipleScored
odiando hating

Past ParticipleScored
odiado hated

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