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Conjugation of the Spanish verb parecer

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb parecer, along with their English translations.

parecerto seem

yo parezcoI seem
tú parecesyou seem
él parecehe seems
ella pareceshe seems
nosotros parecemoswe seem
vosotros parecéisyou seem
ellos parecenthey seem
ellas parecenthey seem

yo parecíaI was seeming
tú parecíasyou were seeming
él parecíahe was seeming
ella parecíashe was seeming
nosotros parecíamoswe were seeming
vosotros parecíaisyou were seeming
ellos parecíanthey were seeming
ellas parecíanthey were seeming

yo parecíI seemed
tú parecisteyou seemed
él parecióhe seemed
ella parecióshe seemed
nosotros parecimoswe seemed
vosotros parecisteisyou seemed
ellos parecieronthey seemed
ellas parecieronthey seemed

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he parecidoI have seemed
tú has parecidoyou have seemed
él ha parecidohe has seemed
ella ha parecidoshe has seemed
nosotros hemos parecidowe have seemed
vosotros habéis parecidoyou have seemed
ellos han parecidothey have seemed
ellas han parecidothey have seemed

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había parecidoI had seemed
tú habías parecidoyou had seemed
él había parecidohe had seemed
ella había parecidoshe had seemed
nosotros habíamos parecidowe had seemed
vosotros habíais parecidoyou had seemed
ellos habían parecidothey had seemed
ellas habían parecidothey had seemed

yo pareceréI will seem
tú parecerásyou will seem
él pareceráhe will seem
ella pareceráshe will seem
nosotros pareceremoswe will seem
vosotros pareceréisyou will seem
ellos pareceránthey will seem
ellas pareceránthey will seem

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré parecidoI will have seemed
tú habrás parecidoyou will have seemed
él habrá parecidohe will have seemed
ella habrá parecidoshe will have seemed
nosotros habremos parecidowe will have seemed
vosotros habréis parecidoyou will have seemed
ellos habrán parecidothey will have seemed
ellas habrán parecidothey will have seemed

yo pareceríaI would seem
tú pareceríasyou would seem
él pareceríahe would seem
ella pareceríashe would seem
nosotros pareceríamoswe would seem
vosotros pareceríaisyou would seem
ellos pareceríanthey would seem
ellas pareceríanthey would seem

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría parecidoI would have seemed
tú habrías parecidoyou would have seemed
él habría parecidohe would have seemed
ella habría parecidoshe would have seemed
nosotros habríamos parecidowe would have seemed
vosotros habríais parecidoyou would have seemed
ellos habrían parecidothey would have seemed
ellas habrían parecidothey would have seemed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo parezca(... that) I seem
(... que) tú parezcas(... that) you seem
(... que) él parezca(... that) he seems
(... que) ella parezca(... that) she seems
(... que) nosotros parezcamos(... that) we seem
(... que) vosotros parezcáis(... that) you seem
(... que) ellos parezcan(... that) they seem
(... que) ellas parezcan(... that) they seem

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo pareciera(... that) I was seeming
(... que) tú parecieras(... that) you were seeming
(... que) él pareciera(... that) he was seeming
(... que) ella pareciera(... that) she was seeming
(... que) nosotros pareciéramos(... that) we were seeming
(... que) vosotros parecierais(... that) you were seeming
(... que) ellos parecieran(... that) they were seeming
(... que) ellas parecieran(... that) they were seeming

parezcamosLet's seem

Present ParticipleScored
pareciendo seeming

Past ParticipleScored
parecido seemed

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