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Conjugation of the Spanish verb placer

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb placer, along with their English translations.

placerto please

yo plazcoI please
tú placesyou please
él placehe pleases
ella placeshe pleases
nosotros placemoswe please
vosotros placéisyou please
ellos placenthey please
ellas placenthey please

yo placíaI was pleasing
tú placíasyou were pleasing
él placíahe was pleasing
ella placíashe was pleasing
nosotros placíamoswe were pleasing
vosotros placíaisyou were pleasing
ellos placíanthey were pleasing
ellas placíanthey were pleasing

yo placíI pleased
tú placisteyou pleased
él placióhe pleased
ella placióshe pleased
nosotros placimoswe pleased
vosotros placisteisyou pleased
ellos placieronthey pleased
ellas placieronthey pleased

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he placidoI have pleased
tú has placidoyou have pleased
él ha placidohe has pleased
ella ha placidoshe has pleased
nosotros hemos placidowe have pleased
vosotros habéis placidoyou have pleased
ellos han placidothey have pleased
ellas han placidothey have pleased

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había placidoI had pleased
tú habías placidoyou had pleased
él había placidohe had pleased
ella había placidoshe had pleased
nosotros habíamos placidowe had pleased
vosotros habíais placidoyou had pleased
ellos habían placidothey had pleased
ellas habían placidothey had pleased

yo placeréI will please
tú placerásyou will please
él placeráhe will please
ella placeráshe will please
nosotros placeremoswe will please
vosotros placeréisyou will please
ellos placeránthey will please
ellas placeránthey will please

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré placidoI will have pleased
tú habrás placidoyou will have pleased
él habrá placidohe will have pleased
ella habrá placidoshe will have pleased
nosotros habremos placidowe will have pleased
vosotros habréis placidoyou will have pleased
ellos habrán placidothey will have pleased
ellas habrán placidothey will have pleased

yo placeríaI would please
tú placeríasyou would please
él placeríahe would please
ella placeríashe would please
nosotros placeríamoswe would please
vosotros placeríaisyou would please
ellos placeríanthey would please
ellas placeríanthey would please

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría placidoI would have pleased
tú habrías placidoyou would have pleased
él habría placidohe would have pleased
ella habría placidoshe would have pleased
nosotros habríamos placidowe would have pleased
vosotros habríais placidoyou would have pleased
ellos habrían placidothey would have pleased
ellas habrían placidothey would have pleased

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo plazca(... that) I please
(... que) tú plazcas(... that) you please
(... que) él plazca(... that) he pleases
(... que) ella plazca(... that) she pleases
(... que) nosotros plazcamos(... that) we please
(... que) vosotros plazcáis(... that) you please
(... que) ellos plazcan(... that) they please
(... que) ellas plazcan(... that) they please

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo placiera(... that) I was pleasing
(... que) tú placieras(... that) you were pleasing
(... que) él placiera(... that) he was pleasing
(... que) ella placiera(... that) she was pleasing
(... que) nosotros placiéramos(... that) we were pleasing
(... que) vosotros placierais(... that) you were pleasing
(... que) ellos placieran(... that) they were pleasing
(... que) ellas placieran(... that) they were pleasing

plazcamosLet's please

Present ParticipleScored
placiendo pleasing

Past ParticipleScored
placido pleased

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