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Conjugation of the Spanish verb proteger

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb proteger, along with their English translations.

protegerto protect

yo protejoI protect
tú protegesyou protect
él protegehe protects
ella protegeshe protects
nosotros protegimoswe protect
vosotros protegéisyou protect
ellos protegenthey protect
ellas protegenthey protect

yo protegíaI was protecting
tú protegíasyou were protecting
él protegíahe was protecting
ella protegíashe was protecting
nosotros protegíamoswe were protecting
vosotros protegíaisyou were protecting
ellos protegíanthey were protecting
ellas protegíanthey were protecting

yo protegíI protected
tú protegisteyou protected
él protegióhe protected
ella protegióshe protected
nosotros protegimoswe protected
vosotros protegisteisyou protected
ellos protegieronthey protected
ellas protegieronthey protected

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he protegidoI have protected
tú has protegidoyou have protected
él ha protegidohe has protected
ella ha protegidoshe has protected
nosotros hemos protegidowe have protected
vosotros habéis protegidoyou have protected
ellos han protegidothey have protected
ellas han protegidothey have protected

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había protegidoI had protected
tú habías protegidoyou had protected
él había protegidohe had protected
ella había protegidoshe had protected
nosotros habíamos protegidowe had protected
vosotros habíais protegidoyou had protected
ellos habían protegidothey had protected
ellas habían protegidothey had protected

yo protegeréI will protect
tú protegerásyou will protect
él protegeráhe will protect
ella protegeráshe will protect
nosotros protegeremoswe will protect
vosotros protegeréisyou will protect
ellos protegeránthey will protect
ellas protegeránthey will protect

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré protegidoI will have protected
tú habrás protegidoyou will have protected
él habrá protegidohe will have protected
ella habrá protegidoshe will have protected
nosotros habremos protegidowe will have protected
vosotros habréis protegidoyou will have protected
ellos habrán protegidothey will have protected
ellas habrán protegidothey will have protected

yo protegeríaI would protect
tú protegeríasyou would protect
él protegeríahe would protect
ella protegeríashe would protect
nosotros protegeríamoswe would protect
vosotros protegeríaisyou would protect
ellos protegeríanthey would protect
ellas protegeríanthey would protect

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría protegidoI would have protected
tú habrías protegidoyou would have protected
él habría protegidohe would have protected
ella habría protegidoshe would have protected
nosotros habríamos protegidowe would have protected
vosotros habríais protegidoyou would have protected
ellos habrían protegidothey would have protected
ellas habrían protegidothey would have protected

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo proteja(... that) I protect
(... que) tú protejas(... that) you protect
(... que) él proteja(... that) he protects
(... que) ella proteja(... that) she protects
(... que) nosotros protejamos(... that) we protect
(... que) vosotros protejáis(... that) you protect
(... que) ellos protejan(... that) they protect
(... que) ellas protejan(... that) they protect

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo protegiera(... that) I was protecting
(... que) tú protegieras(... that) you were protecting
(... que) él protegiera(... that) he was protecting
(... que) ella protegiera(... that) she was protecting
(... que) nosotros protegiéramos(... that) we were protecting
(... que) vosotros protegierais(... that) you were protecting
(... que) ellos protegieran(... that) they were protecting
(... que) ellas protegieran(... that) they were protecting

protejamosLet's protect

Present ParticipleScored
protegiendo protecting

Past ParticipleScored
protegido protected

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