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Conjugation of the Spanish verb recibir

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb recibir, along with their English translations.

recibirto receive

yo reciboI receive
tú recibesyou receive
él recibehe receives
ella recibeshe receives
nosotros recibimoswe receive
vosotros recibísyou receive
ellos recibenthey receive
ellas recibenthey receive

yo recibíaI was receiving
tú recibíasyou were receiving
él recibíahe was receiving
ella recibíashe was receiving
nosotros recibíamoswe were receiving
vosotros recibíaisyou were receiving
ellos recibíanthey were receiving
ellas recibíanthey were receiving

yo recibíI received
tú recibisteyou received
él recibióhe received
ella recibióshe received
nosotros recibimoswe received
vosotros recibisteisyou received
ellos recibieronthey received
ellas recibieronthey received

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he recibidoI have received
tú has recibidoyou have received
él ha recibidohe has received
ella ha recibidoshe has received
nosotros hemos recibidowe have received
vosotros habéis recibidoyou have received
ellos han recibidothey have received
ellas han recibidothey have received

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había recibidoI had received
tú habías recibidoyou had received
él había recibidohe had received
ella había recibidoshe had received
nosotros habíamos recibidowe had received
vosotros habíais recibidoyou had received
ellos habían recibidothey had received
ellas habían recibidothey had received

yo recibiréI will receive
tú recibirásyou will receive
él recibiráhe will receive
ella recibiráshe will receive
nosotros recibiremoswe will receive
vosotros recibiréisyou will receive
ellos recibiránthey will receive
ellas recibiránthey will receive

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré recibidoI will have received
tú habrás recibidoyou will have received
él habrá recibidohe will have received
ella habrá recibidoshe will have received
nosotros habremos recibidowe will have received
vosotros habréis recibidoyou will have received
ellos habrán recibidothey will have received
ellas habrán recibidothey will have received

yo recibiríaI would receive
tú recibiríasyou would receive
él recibiríahe would receive
ella recibiríashe would receive
nosotros recibiríamoswe would receive
vosotros recibiríaisyou would receive
ellos recibiríanthey would receive
ellas recibiríanthey would receive

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría recibidoI would have received
tú habrías recibidoyou would have received
él habría recibidohe would have received
ella habría recibidoshe would have received
nosotros habríamos recibidowe would have received
vosotros habríais recibidoyou would have received
ellos habrían recibidothey would have received
ellas habrían recibidothey would have received

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo reciba(... that) I receive
(... que) tú recibas(... that) you receive
(... que) él reciba(... that) he receives
(... que) ella reciba(... that) she receives
(... que) nosotros recibamos(... that) we receive
(... que) vosotros recibáis(... that) you receive
(... que) ellos reciban(... that) they receive
(... que) ellas reciban(... that) they receive

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo recibiera(... that) I was receiving
(... que) tú recibieras(... that) you were receiving
(... que) él recibiera(... that) he was receiving
(... que) ella recibiera(... that) she was receiving
(... que) nosotros recibiéramos(... that) we were receiving
(... que) vosotros recibierais(... that) you were receiving
(... que) ellos recibieran(... that) they were receiving
(... que) ellas recibieran(... that) they were receiving

recibe Receive
recibamosLet's receive
reciban Receive

Present ParticipleScored
recibiendo receiving

Past ParticipleScored
recibido received

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