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Conjugation of the Spanish verb saber

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb saber, along with their English translations.

saberto know

yo séI know
tú sabesyou know
él sabehe knows
ella sabeshe knows
nosotros sabemoswe know
vosotros sabéisyou know
ellos sabenthey know
ellas sabenthey know

yo sabíaI was knowing
tú sabíasyou were knowing
él sabíahe was knowing
ella sabíashe was knowing
nosotros sabíamoswe were knowing
vosotros sabíaisyou were knowing
ellos sabíanthey were knowing
ellas sabíanthey were knowing

yo supeI knew
tú supisteyou knew
él supohe knew
ella suposhe knew
nosotros supimoswe knew
vosotros supisteisyou knew
ellos supieronthey knew
ellas supieronthey knew

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he sabidoI have known
tú has sabidoyou have known
él ha sabidohe has known
ella ha sabidoshe has known
nosotros hemos sabidowe have known
vosotros habéis sabidoyou have known
ellos han sabidothey have known
ellas han sabidothey have known

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había sabidoI had known
tú habías sabidoyou had known
él había sabidohe had known
ella había sabidoshe had known
nosotros habíamos sabidowe had known
vosotros habíais sabidoyou had known
ellos habían sabidothey had known
ellas habían sabidothey had known

yo sabréI will know
tú sabrásyou will know
él sabráhe will know
ella sabráshe will know
nosotros sabremoswe will know
vosotros sabréisyou will know
ellos sabránthey will know
ellas sabránthey will know

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré sabidoI will have known
tú habrás sabidoyou will have known
él habrá sabidohe will have known
ella habrá sabidoshe will have known
nosotros habremos sabidowe will have known
vosotros habréis sabidoyou will have known
ellos habrán sabidothey will have known
ellas habrán sabidothey will have known

yo sabríaI would know
tú sabríasyou would know
él sabríahe would know
ella sabríashe would know
nosotros sabríamoswe would know
vosotros sabríaisyou would know
ellos sabríanthey would know
ellas sabríanthey would know

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría sabidoI would have known
tú habrías sabidoyou would have known
él habría sabidohe would have known
ella habría sabidoshe would have known
nosotros habríamos sabidowe would have known
vosotros habríais sabidoyou would have known
ellos habrían sabidothey would have known
ellas habrían sabidothey would have known

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo sepa(... that) I know
(... que) tú sepas(... that) you know
(... que) él sepa(... that) he knows
(... que) ella sepa(... that) she knows
(... que) nosotros sepamos(... that) we know
(... que) vosotros sepáis(... that) you know
(... que) ellos sepan(... that) they know
(... que) ellas sepan(... that) they know

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo supiera(... that) I was knowing
(... que) tú supieras(... that) you were knowing
(... que) él supiera(... that) he was knowing
(... que) ella supiera(... that) she was knowing
(... que) nosotros supiéramos(... that) we were knowing
(... que) vosotros supierais(... that) you were knowing
(... que) ellos supieran(... that) they were knowing
(... que) ellas supieran(... that) they were knowing

sepamosLet's know

Present ParticipleScored
sabiendo knowing

Past ParticipleScored
sabido known

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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