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Conjugation of the Spanish verb seguir

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb seguir, along with their English translations.

seguirto stay

yo sigoI stay
tú siguesyou stay
él siguehe stays
ella sigueshe stays
nosotros seguimoswe stay
vosotros seguísyou stay
ellos siguenthey stay
ellas siguenthey stay

yo seguíaI was staying
tú seguíasyou were staying
él seguíahe was staying
ella seguíashe was staying
nosotros seguíamoswe were staying
vosotros seguíaisyou were staying
ellos seguíanthey were staying
ellas seguíanthey were staying

yo seguíI stayed
tú seguisteyou stayed
él siguióhe stayed
ella siguióshe stayed
nosotros seguimoswe stayed
vosotros seguisteisyou stayed
ellos siguieronthey stayed
ellas siguieronthey stayed

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he seguidoI have stayed
tú has seguidoyou have stayed
él ha seguidohe has stayed
ella ha seguidoshe has stayed
nosotros hemos seguidowe have stayed
vosotros habéis seguidoyou have stayed
ellos han seguidothey have stayed
ellas han seguidothey have stayed

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había seguidoI had stayed
tú habías seguidoyou had stayed
él había seguidohe had stayed
ella había seguidoshe had stayed
nosotros habíamos seguidowe had stayed
vosotros habíais seguidoyou had stayed
ellos habían seguidothey had stayed
ellas habían seguidothey had stayed

yo seguiréI will stay
tú seguirásyou will stay
él seguiráhe will stay
ella seguiráshe will stay
nosotros seguiremoswe will stay
vosotros seguiréisyou will stay
ellos seguiránthey will stay
ellas seguiránthey will stay

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré seguidoI will have stayed
tú habrás seguidoyou will have stayed
él habrá seguidohe will have stayed
ella habrá seguidoshe will have stayed
nosotros habremos seguidowe will have stayed
vosotros habréis seguidoyou will have stayed
ellos habrán seguidothey will have stayed
ellas habrán seguidothey will have stayed

yo seguiríaI would stay
tú seguiríasyou would stay
él seguiríahe would stay
ella seguiríashe would stay
nosotros seguiríamoswe would stay
vosotros seguiríaisyou would stay
ellos seguiríanthey would stay
ellas seguiríanthey would stay

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría seguidoI would have stayed
tú habrías seguidoyou would have stayed
él habría seguidohe would have stayed
ella habría seguidoshe would have stayed
nosotros habríamos seguidowe would have stayed
vosotros habríais seguidoyou would have stayed
ellos habrían seguidothey would have stayed
ellas habrían seguidothey would have stayed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo siga(... that) I stay
(... que) tú sigas(... that) you stay
(... que) él siga(... that) he stays
(... que) ella siga(... that) she stays
(... que) nosotros sigamos(... that) we stay
(... que) vosotros sigáis(... that) you stay
(... que) ellos sigan(... that) they stay
(... que) ellas sigan(... that) they stay

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo siguiera(... that) I was staying
(... que) tú siguieras(... that) you were staying
(... que) él siguiera(... that) he was staying
(... que) ella siguiera(... that) she was staying
(... que) nosotros siguiéramos(... that) we were staying
(... que) vosotros siguierais(... that) you were staying
(... que) ellos siguieran(... that) they were staying
(... que) ellas siguieran(... that) they were staying

sigamosLet's stay

Present ParticipleScored
siguiendo staying

Past ParticipleScored
seguido stayed

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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