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Conjugation of the Spanish verb tener

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb tener, along with their English translations.

tenerto have

yo tengoI have
tú tienesyou have
él tienehe has
ella tieneshe has
nosotros tenemoswe have
vosotros tenéisyou have
ellos tienenthey have
ellas tienenthey have

yo teníaI was having
tú teníasyou were having
él teníahe was having
ella teníashe was having
nosotros teníamoswe were having
vosotros teníaisyou were having
ellos teníanthey were having
ellas teníanthey were having

yo tuveI had
tú tuvisteyou had
él tuvohe had
ella tuvoshe had
nosotros tuvimoswe had
vosotros tuvisteisyou had
ellos tuvieronthey had
ellas tuvieronthey had

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he tenidoI have had
tú has tenidoyou have had
él ha tenidohe has had
ella ha tenidoshe has had
nosotros hemos tenidowe have had
vosotros habéis tenidoyou have had
ellos han tenidothey have had
ellas han tenidothey have had

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había tenidoI had had
tú habías tenidoyou had had
él había tenidohe had had
ella había tenidoshe had had
nosotros habíamos tenidowe had had
vosotros habíais tenidoyou had had
ellos habían tenidothey had had
ellas habían tenidothey had had

yo tendréI will have
tú tendrásyou will have
él tendráhe will have
ella tendráshe will have
nosotros tendremoswe will have
vosotros tendréisyou will have
ellos tendránthey will have
ellas tendránthey will have

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré tenidoI will have had
tú habrás tenidoyou will have had
él habrá tenidohe will have had
ella habrá tenidoshe will have had
nosotros habremos tenidowe will have had
vosotros habréis tenidoyou will have had
ellos habrán tenidothey will have had
ellas habrán tenidothey will have had

yo tendríaI would have
tú tendríasyou would have
él tendríahe would have
ella tendríashe would have
nosotros tendríamoswe would have
vosotros tendríaisyou would have
ellos tendríanthey would have
ellas tendríanthey would have

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría tenidoI would have had
tú habrías tenidoyou would have had
él habría tenidohe would have had
ella habría tenidoshe would have had
nosotros habríamos tenidowe would have had
vosotros habríais tenidoyou would have had
ellos habrían tenidothey would have had
ellas habrían tenidothey would have had

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo tenga(... that) I have
(... que) tú tengas(... that) you have
(... que) él tenga(... that) he has
(... que) ella tenga(... that) she has
(... que) nosotros tengamos(... that) we have
(... que) vosotros tengáis(... that) you have
(... que) ellos tengan(... that) they have
(... que) ellas tengan(... that) they have

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo tuviera(... that) I was having
(... que) tú tuvieras(... that) you were having
(... que) él tuviera(... that) he was having
(... que) ella tuviera(... that) she was having
(... que) nosotros tuviéramos(... that) we were having
(... que) vosotros tuvierais(... that) you were having
(... que) ellos tuvieran(... that) they were having
(... que) ellas tuvieran(... that) they were having

tengamosLet's have

Present ParticipleScored
teniendo having

Past ParticipleScored
tenido had

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Irregular conjugation
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