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Conjugation of the Spanish verb tomar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb tomar, along with their English translations.

tomarto take

yo tomoI take
tú tomasyou take
él tomahe takes
ella tomashe takes
nosotros tomamoswe take
vosotros tomáisyou take
ellos tomanthey take
ellas tomanthey take

yo tomabaI was taking
tú tomabasyou were taking
él tomabahe was taking
ella tomabashe was taking
nosotros tomábamoswe were taking
vosotros tomabaisyou were taking
ellos tomabanthey were taking
ellas tomabanthey were taking

yo toméI took
tú tomasteyou took
él tomóhe took
ella tomóshe took
nosotros tomamoswe took
vosotros tomasteisyou took
ellos tomaronthey took
ellas tomaronthey took

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he tomadoI have taken
tú has tomadoyou have taken
él ha tomadohe has taken
ella ha tomadoshe has taken
nosotros hemos tomadowe have taken
vosotros habéis tomadoyou have taken
ellos han tomadothey have taken
ellas han tomadothey have taken

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había tomadoI had taken
tú habías tomadoyou had taken
él había tomadohe had taken
ella había tomadoshe had taken
nosotros habíamos tomadowe had taken
vosotros habíais tomadoyou had taken
ellos habían tomadothey had taken
ellas habían tomadothey had taken

yo tomaréI will take
tú tomarásyou will take
él tomaráhe will take
ella tomaráshe will take
nosotros tomaremoswe will take
vosotros tomaréisyou will take
ellos tomaránthey will take
ellas tomaránthey will take

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré tomadoI will have taken
tú habrás tomadoyou will have taken
él habrá tomadohe will have taken
ella habrá tomadoshe will have taken
nosotros habremos tomadowe will have taken
vosotros habréis tomadoyou will have taken
ellos habrán tomadothey will have taken
ellas habrán tomadothey will have taken

yo tomaríaI would take
tú tomaríasyou would take
él tomaríahe would take
ella tomaríashe would take
nosotros tomaríamoswe would take
vosotros tomaríaisyou would take
ellos tomaríanthey would take
ellas tomaríanthey would take

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría tomadoI would have taken
tú habrías tomadoyou would have taken
él habría tomadohe would have taken
ella habría tomadoshe would have taken
nosotros habríamos tomadowe would have taken
vosotros habríais tomadoyou would have taken
ellos habrían tomadothey would have taken
ellas habrían tomadothey would have taken

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo tome(... that) I take
(... que) tú tomes(... that) you take
(... que) él tome(... that) he takes
(... que) ella tome(... that) she takes
(... que) nosotros tomemos(... that) we take
(... que) vosotros toméis(... that) you take
(... que) ellos tomen(... that) they take
(... que) ellas tomen(... that) they take

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo tomara(... that) I was taking
(... que) tú tomaras(... that) you were taking
(... que) él tomara(... that) he was taking
(... que) ella tomara(... that) she was taking
(... que) nosotros tomáramos(... that) we were taking
(... que) vosotros tomarais(... that) you were taking
(... que) ellos tomaran(... that) they were taking
(... que) ellas tomaran(... that) they were taking

toma Take
tomemosLet's take
tomen Take

Present ParticipleScored
tomando taking

Past ParticipleScored
tomado taken

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Irregular conjugation
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