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Conjugation of the Spanish verb trabajar

A list of the common conjugations for the Spanish verb trabajar, along with their English translations.

trabajarto work

yo trabajoI work
tú trabajasyou work
él trabajahe works
ella trabajashe works
nosotros trabajamoswe work
vosotros trabajáisyou work
ellos trabajanthey work
ellas trabajanthey work

yo trabajabaI was working
tú trabajabasyou were working
él trabajabahe was working
ella trabajabashe was working
nosotros trabajábamoswe were working
vosotros trabajabaisyou were working
ellos trabajabanthey were working
ellas trabajabanthey were working

yo trabajéI worked
tú trabajasteyou worked
él trabajóhe worked
ella trabajóshe worked
nosotros trabajamoswe worked
vosotros trabajasteisyou worked
ellos trabajaronthey worked
ellas trabajaronthey worked

Present perfect/Pretérito perfectoScored
yo he trabajadoI have worked
tú has trabajadoyou have worked
él ha trabajadohe has worked
ella ha trabajadoshe has worked
nosotros hemos trabajadowe have worked
vosotros habéis trabajadoyou have worked
ellos han trabajadothey have worked
ellas han trabajadothey have worked

Pluperfect / Pretérito pluscuamperfectoScored
yo había trabajadoI had worked
tú habías trabajadoyou had worked
él había trabajadohe had worked
ella había trabajadoshe had worked
nosotros habíamos trabajadowe had worked
vosotros habíais trabajadoyou had worked
ellos habían trabajadothey had worked
ellas habían trabajadothey had worked

yo trabajaréI will work
tú trabajarásyou will work
él trabajaráhe will work
ella trabajaráshe will work
nosotros trabajaremoswe will work
vosotros trabajaréisyou will work
ellos trabajaránthey will work
ellas trabajaránthey will work

Future Perfect / Futuro perfectoScored
yo habré trabajadoI will have worked
tú habrás trabajadoyou will have worked
él habrá trabajadohe will have worked
ella habrá trabajadoshe will have worked
nosotros habremos trabajadowe will have worked
vosotros habréis trabajadoyou will have worked
ellos habrán trabajadothey will have worked
ellas habrán trabajadothey will have worked

yo trabajaríaI would work
tú trabajaríasyou would work
él trabajaríahe would work
ella trabajaríashe would work
nosotros trabajaríamoswe would work
vosotros trabajaríaisyou would work
ellos trabajaríanthey would work
ellas trabajaríanthey would work

Conditional Perfect / Condicional perfecto
The Spanish Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Condicional perfecto is made with the conditional tense of haber and the past participle of the verb.
yo habría trabajadoI would have worked
tú habrías trabajadoyou would have worked
él habría trabajadohe would have worked
ella habría trabajadoshe would have worked
nosotros habríamos trabajadowe would have worked
vosotros habríais trabajadoyou would have worked
ellos habrían trabajadothey would have worked
ellas habrían trabajadothey would have worked

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo trabaje(... that) I work
(... que) tú trabajes(... that) you work
(... que) él trabaje(... that) he works
(... que) ella trabaje(... that) she works
(... que) nosotros trabajemos(... that) we work
(... que) vosotros trabajéis(... that) you work
(... que) ellos trabajen(... that) they work
(... que) ellas trabajen(... that) they work

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) yo trabajara(... that) I was working
(... que) tú trabajaras(... that) you were working
(... que) él trabajara(... that) he was working
(... que) ella trabajara(... that) she was working
(... que) nosotros trabajáramos(... that) we were working
(... que) vosotros trabajarais(... that) you were working
(... que) ellos trabajaran(... that) they were working
(... que) ellas trabajaran(... that) they were working

trabaja Work
trabajemosLet's work
trabajen Work

Present ParticipleScored
trabajando working

Past ParticipleScored
trabajado worked

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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