Spanish > English |
a ciencia cierta |
1. adv. for sure, for certain, without doubt |
Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta - Nobody knows for sure. |
Spanish > Spanish |
a ciencia cierta |
1. Con seguridad completa |
Analysis |
a |
1. prep. to |
2. prep. by |
3. prep. at |
4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a. |
Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you. |
ciencia |
1. n-f. science |
2. n-f. erudition, knowledge |
El árbol de la ciencia. - The tree of knowledge. |
cierta |
1. adj. feminine singular of cierto |
2. det. feminine singular of cierto |
cierto |
1. adj. (of a person) true |
2. adj. (of a claim) true |
Cierto o falso: la mayoría de los Españoles son hispanohablantes. - True or false: the majority of Spanish people are Spanish speakers. |
Es cierto que ambos tienen razón. - It's true that both of them are right. |
3. det. a certain, a specific |